I have lost interest in

Own pitch. Good to have games back.

There’s a tremendous irony to your post there @backinatracksuit as I remember where were most of the invective you were experiencing at that time was coming from one particular direction.

If you come across as a normal sort or even a crotchety auld fecker then this place can be very supportive

Some of the newer lads would not have been able for it when the “Well clamped” icon was available.


Sure wasn’t that the reason rocko retired it

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It’s natural to feel like that mate. Your body is just adjusting to the new normal. Sit with it, don’t force changing it and you’ll be alright.

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Seriously, try the couch to 10k. It’s more likely to benefit you than anything short of prescription medication imho. You have to start though. The first day is the hardest.

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The dumb post rating ended some lads.


It’s the lack of proper sporting action that was this place a little quiet.

Take a break from here. Go for a few road trips, take in the coastal views, listen to the crashing waves, go for walks. Try and appreciate the little things in life now.


Ah yeah shur look at. Different strokes and all that. One of things I’ve learned from being on here is if you take the place too seriously, you’re lining yourself up for a hiding to nothing. I was probably one of those but it was a learning process. I dont believe theres a lot of malice in the posters here. It’s more a case of as I say of some lads taking stuff too much to heart. The more you do that, the more difficult it gets round here.


You really must be incredibly miserable and bitter. You should go talk to someone.

Thanks for your concern, but I’m doing great.


Used they change the name between Kilfinane and Ardpatrick in the past each year ?? In 1982 they won the Junior Championship as Ardpatrick .

They’ve been called Ardpatrick-Kilfinane as well. We just call them Kilfinane. Great view of majestic Limerick from their pitch.

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He’s a nephew of the butcher, son of the baker

Lovely hands on him

Bit one sided maybe

Well able to mix it


The devilment comes from the mother’s side . Her brothers were nice lads but were scuts on the field

Was he RHOT or LHOT, was hard to tell at times

Not sure I want to go down that road on this forum. Seriously though, I think he’ll just go the same way as his brother, another one that got away