Ibrahim Halawa

The hilarity of you bringing OJ Simpson into the argument is no doubt lost on you. It really is tremendously funny to see such a meltdown.

The rest of the post is almost as funny.

And still you can’t answer the questions about your support of the Egyptian dictatorship, while you confuse supporting the release of an innocent prisoner with support for a political group.

Why are you deliberately confusing support for the release of an innocent prisoner with support for a political group?

It’s the sort of thing only a simpleton would do. You would agree with this, yes?

If all else fails for you, and it it has, just shout “you hate women”. :grin:

You’re humiliating yourself. Take that as kind advice.

You posted an article by a well known far right idiot who nobody in Ireland takes remotely seriously, which was written for no other reason than to deny the innocence of Ibrahim Halawa. In fact Humphrys is considered an absolute laughing stock by anybody with even a tenuous knowledge of the Irish blogging scene.

The Birmingham Six and the Guildford Four are extremely relevant and pertinent comparisons to the Halawa case and anybody who has any knowledge of the history of innocent Irish people being incarcerated abroad knows this.

The contradictions in the reactions of posters here clearly demonstrate that their views on justice for the innocent are coloured by both religion and race.

Enjoy your happy hour in whatever far flung Trump supporter-infested shithole you had to flee Ireland for. Just try not to kill anybody driving home, or shoot anybody.

Agreed, not guilty is the appropriate legal term.

Innocent until proven guilty.

Except in the minds of people who ignore facts and have their minds already made up.

Ibrahim Halawa is innocent.

Suck it up, you bitter man.

You are assuming Ibrahim Halawa is innocent because charges against him were dropped by the Egyptian government, under pressure from the Irish government. This is a nonsensical assumption, given that the Muslim Brotherhood are illegal in Egypt and Halawa is most certainly an advocate for the MB and travelled to Egypt to advocate for them. Advocating for the MB is a crime in Egypt, end of story.

But continue defending the women haters, at least you have nailed your true colors to the mast.

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So your argument is because Ibrahim Halawa was freed by the Egyptian government, he is innocent.
By the same logic as the Guildford 4 and Birmingham 6 were convicted , they must be guilty.
What a simpleton you are.

Again you labour under the central misapprehension that you’ve laboured under all along on this thread. You refuse to accept the innocence of an innocent man.

And we all know why that is.

You and the other members of your cowering rabble of a mob, all of you terrified like pathetic man-babies of your entirely imagined bogeyperson of “political correctness” one a self-admitted rapist, the rest lemming-like Trump supporters, are the only women-haters here.

The central tenet of social liberalism is equal treatment of women. You take every opportunity to remind everybody that not only are you not a liberal, but that you hate liberalism and liberals.

This is very instructive. The very ideology that you claim to hate is the one that you have most in common with.

Your logic is to deny his innocence because he’s a Muslim.

And now it looks as if you’re trying to cast doubt on the innocence of the Birmingham Six and the Guildford Four too.

Some Irishman you are. :smile:

As always you resort to making stuff up when you are losing an Internet argument.

No advocate for the Muslim Brotherhood is innocent. If you support the Muslim Brotherhood, you support the depraved practice of genital mutilation and the horrific treatment of women in Muslim majority countries. Most Muslims living in the west do not support the Muslim Brotherhood nor fundamentalist Islam, so yes they are entirely innocent.

Odd that a self proclaimed “liberal” can’t bring himself to condemn the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters. It’s typical of the left however, appalled that anyone could criticize the Halawa family, yet head in the sand regarding their links to and support of the Muslim Brotherhood. You are welcome to that kind of “liberalism”.

You’re very weak to allow yourself to go with this logic. It seems to me it’s because you are afraid to be seen going against the loudmouth lunatic. Anything but be on the same side as Syd. That sick psychopath hbv is clearly unhinged and to see you align yourself with him makes you look very weak.

Because charges were dropped and he was found not guilty doesn’t mean the Muslim doesn’t support the Muslim Brotherhood… Crazy logic.

Are you claiming that leftie headbangers have the high moral ground here because they support the murder of Irish babies and not to be hypocritical they also support the Muslim Brotherhoods right to mutilate little girls genitals and to Stone women to death?

If said it before and I’ll say it again, the leftie headbanger in full flow is one of the great sights on the internet.

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Shut your mouth you rapist lunatic.

Gas cunts

Seriously, mate, you’re acting like a child who can’t accept his football team has lost a match. “No, we didn’t lose, we won.”

Unlike you, I haven’t resorted to making anything up - I’ve skilfully used the facts and pertinent comparisons to similar cases to get you to expose your true views, which hold no place in any civilised society.

What an odd view of justice.

It’s the sort of logic used by genocidal dictators.

How interesting to see the mask drop.

The democratic government of Egypt was overthrown in a military coup in 2013, mate. You don’t have to have supported that government to recognise that fact.

If the current US government was overthrown by a military coup, would being against that military coup mean that you support that government? I’ll answer for you - the answer is no.

In this thread, you’ve positioned yourself firmly on the side of dictatorship, on the side of incarcerating innocent prisoners, as against the fundamental tenets of justice, and have displayed absolutely hilarious logic by branding anybody who supports freedom for innocent prisoners as a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Pure screaming Mary stuff.

Do you see any situations where a military coup might be necessary? I was on the side of the military coup in Turkey where they moved to get rid of that headbanger erdogon. Sadly it failed. Do you support erdogon?

Yes of course there are situations where it could be either beneficial or the lesser of two evils, but that’s nothing to do with an innocent Irishman being incarcerated abroad.

I think Erdogan is an absolute cunt from what I know of him.

What do you think of him?

The Muslim Brotherhood stone women to death, segregate those women who they don’t stone to death, they hate civilised cultures, they want to wipe out Christans, Jew’s, gays etc. and have us all living like savages just like themselves.
But they have an awful lot of friends on this forum @Sidney @backinatracksuit @Watch_The_Break @glasagusban all theses lads spend an amount of time crusading for the rights of these savages. And crusading withal real passion.

It’s really fascinating to watch.


You couldn’t make it up

You couldn’t, which is why it’s absolutely fascinating to watch.

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