Ibrahim Halawa

Prendeville is clearly massively box office, I wouldnā€™t know the first thing about a local radio presenter anywhere in the world that I havenā€™t lived but every cunt has an informed opinion about this flute, arenā€™t you a yank?

I lived in Oireland for most of my life, mate. Is that ok with you? Iā€™ve only heard him on the wireless on a couple of occasions but enough to mark his card.

Noted simpleton @Enrique leaping to the defence of noted serial rapist @HBV and noted sex creep Neil Prendeville.

You almost couldnā€™t make it up, unless it wasnā€™t so entirely predictable. :grin:

The seethe here is wonderful.

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There he is, king of the internet creeps :smile:

Youā€™ve just allied yourself with a rapist and a sex creep, mate.

If you werenā€™t such a simpleton, Iā€™d let you work out, butā€¦ah sure go on, Iā€™ll let you try and fail to work it out yourself.

I havenā€™t allied myself with anyone. I applauded NP asking a couple of pertinent questions, still think heā€™s a goon in general. You just make these assumptions, run with them and claim some misguided superiority. You were so rattled in your previous post, you used the same language and structure as my post in a lame attempt at a comeback. You this time and again when youā€™re rattled, watching you rage and seethe for being called out for being the basic creep you are is humorous though. If only you werenā€™t such a failure pal, if onlyā€¦

Anyway getting back on topic. Ibra mugs of the Irish public, again.

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Ah, you still havenā€™t worked it out, I see. Bless.

Yeah, mate. Deliberately. Youā€™re a simpleton, alright.

What do you mean by jumping to my defence?

A very very strange choice of phrase. As far as Iā€™m aware im not under attack.

All of your choices of phrases are very strange. But then youā€™re a very strange person. Nothing particularly wrong with being strange, though.

But there is very definitely something wrong with being a serial rapist.

The headbangars from the looney left are once again refusing bare facedly to recognise the content of anything said or done by Ibrahim halawa.
Instead attacking the messenger and in @Sidney s case randomly screaming ā€˜rapistā€™. Itā€™s actually really fascinating to watch.

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Again no effort to address the content. Just Like your sidekick @Matty_Hislop

I think your wife was the one screaming.

Not once have you dealt with your admission of being a serial rapist.

Thatā€™s fine mate, I thought you mentioned recently that you were an American of Irish descent,
Still and all Iā€™m surprised everybody has an opinion on the Neil Prendeville show and his character (not just wanking on a plane), seems odd for a local radio man.
Unless it was Cork you lived in most of your life?

No, never lived in Cork. As I said, Iā€™ve only heard his show a couple of times. Correct, I did say I was Irish American.

The only thing to work out is that you are a sad, lonely man, who greatly over estimates your own intelligence, due to spending most of your time on the INTERNET day in, day out. I suspect you have extremely low self esteem and take up these causes, while desperately attempting to portray yourself as an intellectual (poorly I might add) in order to dull this sense of despair. Sad really. You should consider taking up marathon training, mate.


An awful lot of effort there for a tired, dull, cliched post. The contents of it are a dead giveaway that the person who wrote it has serious low self esteem issues, which is very ironic, given the claims made in it. In fairness, if I was you, Iā€™d have low self esteem too.

Another bog standard lame retort, simply parroting what was said to you. Iā€™ll leave you to your ā€˜workā€™.

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The ā€˜I know you are but what am iā€™ type of retort is as miserable as it gets to be honest.
Iā€™ll give you a dog out there though I think Iā€™ve been put on the Halawa side.