Ibrahim Halawa

Fake news. It’s 8th


Once again you have nothing relevant to add to the discussion.

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“If all variations of Muhammad are grouped together that is most common” UK Mail today - I’m sure they didn’t just make that up!

Top notch post and the all important 10th

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Should immigrants like you live under a different set of rules or obey the law of the land they are in?


This has been proven to be bullshit, don’t be so fucking gullible and believe everything you read on the internet, you simpleton.

You should apologise for misleading the forum. And from now on you should take a moment to reflect before you subject us to your ignorant rage.

When is the hero being presented to the Irish people?

Lucy Kennedy will be doing “At home with the Hallawa’s”

Sending a transgendered person to a muslim house should be good viewing alright


I’m looking forward to you providing this forum with the unequivocal proof.


is this another left wing irish lunatic defending the right of some stone age country to stone women to death under the banner of ‘democracy’?


I really couldn’t give a shit about all this nonsense but I was sure I saw a video of some lad who looked like ibrahim halawa ripping up a passport and making speeches on that markhumphreys blog last year. Where has it been proved to be untrue?

Immigrants by definition have to live under the laws of the country they migrate to.

However, I wasn’t talking about immigrants, I was referring to citizens of Muslim majority countries who are not Muslim, Christians in Eqypt, etc. In addition to 80% of Muslims believing Sharia law should apply to themselves, a large majority in these countries also believe Sharia law should also apply to non Muslims.

What this demonstrates is that the large majority of Muslims worldwide have no regard or possible understanding of the human rights concepts in democracy. Surprisingly, you appear to be of the same mindset.

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Isn’t USA the country with the largest number of extrajudicial killings every year? Is that the Muslims fault?

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Who’s blaming Muslims for that?

I was asking whether it was their fault? Is it? Whose fault is it?

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It’s the fault of those doing the killing, regardless of their religion (or none), and the law treats all unlawful killing quite seriously.

However this tangent of yours has nothing to do with the point being discussed, which is that Muslim majority countries by and large have no regard for the human rights of non Muslims (or obviously gays, etc).