Idiot of the Month - February Vote

Too Old to Be a Yuppy.

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]Its an internet forum you muppet, of course your going to have it out and disagree with people. A couple i have had are consistant alright, but i wouldn’t change it.
NCC - Complete idiot who doesn’t really agree with anyone that doesn’t follow a soccer team in Dublin
Pikeman - Idiot who won’t debate and follows others
Flano - Not really, he’s just a messer, but does say some ridiculous things, mostly for the shock factor
Mac - Good sort who is well up for an argument, but in fairness will agree with a person too if he actually does. Have no problem with that.
Farmer - Don’t even registar on my e-planet, but i think from reading most of your stuff your a moron, but i could be wrong as reading text can be so decieveing
HBV - Disagree on the Cork situation, but virtually nothing else
Bandage - Other than abusing his admin position i’d say he’s witty and and on the ball. Even though his BO’D obsession is a little worrying.:smiley:
Thats about it[/quote]

we could start a fight C. A decent old fashioned Norrie v Slurry one, it’ll be like the Grand Parade back in the day of Xandra’s and Spiders.

How does this sound?

Inbetween my vists to the day spa in Donnybrook and the bakery in SuperQuinn, I could fill ye with more stuff about T.O.B.Y. life here in Dublin. You could then give out to me about not crossing the North Gate Bridge to the land of my forefathers since Tom Mul brought the cup back to the Glen Hall.

I could then say something about the best craic in Blackpool is when the fucking place is flooded, and you can say something about the dump the Briar Rose turned into.

I can say somethin’ about the Nort’Mon and you can say something about the prissy purple Regina girls.

It could be a Home and Away saga all of our own.

Chicky George could print t-shirts.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]What an absolute clown.

That post almost takes on the superiority tone of MGG ‘I had a sued a Big 4 firm once don’t you know’ speech.

At least neither of you are classic representations of the Cork stereotype - ha!

I have news for your Caoimhaoin:

You are irrelevant.[/quote]

I would hope so farmer, i would hope so.

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]Its an internet forum you muppet, of course your going to have it out and disagree with people. A couple i have had are consistant alright, but i wouldn’t change it.
NCC - Complete idiot who doesn’t really agree with anyone that doesn’t follow a soccer team in Dublin
Pikeman - Idiot who won’t debate and follows others
Flano - Not really, he’s just a messer, but does say some ridiculous things, mostly for the shock factor
Mac - Good sort who is well up for an argument, but in fairness will agree with a person too if he actually does. Have no problem with that.
Farmer - Don’t even registar on my e-planet, but i think from reading most of your stuff your a moron, but i could be wrong as reading text can be so decieveing
HBV - Disagree on the Cork situation, but virtually nothing else
Bandage - Other than abusing his admin position i’d say he’s witty and and on the ball. Even though his BO’D obsession is a little worrying.:smiley:
Thats about it[/quote]

gayest post ever

Good grief.

If every any of you needed evidence that MGG is indeed a man, here you go. No way a chick would hold all of these positions

[quote=“Locke”]Good grief.

If every any of you needed evidence that MGG is indeed a man, here you go. No way a chick would hold all of these positions[/quote]

good one Locke.

read on, and look for one of your own.

[quote=“Locke”]Good grief.

If every any of you needed evidence that MGG is indeed a man, here you go. No way a chick would hold all of these positions[/quote]

that has to get MGG idiot of month

i feel sick reading it again

[quote=“north county corncrake”]that has to get MGG idiot of month

i feel sick reading it again[/quote]

oh dear.

Please do know that I am really sorry to hear that.

I didn’t realise things were that bad. Maybe instead of argueing with Art, you should follow his example.

You know how I know you’re gay?

Because you have a bumper sticker that says I like balls in my face.

[quote=“north county corncrake”]that has to get MGG idiot of month

i feel sick reading it again[/quote]

NCC is having a ‘Crying Game’ moment

[quote=“Sledgehammer”]What’s this about this a truce?

I am just voting for MGG because she was acting the bollox

She shops in Superquinn and goes to the gym though so she can’t be all that bad, she just had a bad month, or maybe a particularly bad time of the month[/quote]

read the bread thread. Or is SuperQuinn only for the lads?

Your answer will either be two faced or sexist. Looking forward to it either way.

(btw I shopped in SuperQuinn once in the last year. The Christmas Hang and Turkey. Fuck. I hope thats not why they’re cutting jobs. Maybe we should get Cian to organise a boycott)

He’s definately in trouble all right.

You have all the signs of someone in denial.
Marry a foreign bird because all the irish one’s know there is something up with ya?
It’s alright NCC, the bad old days are gone, you can open up to us.

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]You have all the signs of someone in denial.
Marry a foreign bird because all the irish one’s know there is something up with ya?
It’s alright NCC, the bad old days are gone, you can open up to us.[/quote]

I think he saves that carry on for the other parishes.

hey Sledge, did you read that bread thread yet?

What d’ya make of Rockseededviennaloaf1.68 doing his bread shopping in SQ. Shocking, isn’t it. And worse again. He’s not alone.

actually, no. I’ve just remembered something. And its something you would be sensitive to.

Night feeds.
And Post Natal stuff.

Sorry NCNewDaddy.

I think I can speak for the Mulliance, and suggest we not encourage or bait you until you get some r & r. A 12 hour remission; to commence at midday.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]actually, no. I’ve just remembered something. And its something you would be sensitive to.

Night feeds.
And Post Natal stuff.

Sorry NCNewDaddy.

I think I can speak for the Mulliance, and suggest we not encourage or bait you until you get some r & r. A 12 hour remission; to commence at midday.[/quote]

5 minute recess, you’re too good MGG

Anyone care to make a boook on this month poll? Looks to be the most wide open contest in a while.

I nominated Cian Foley, and I’d like to vote for him, but I just have this nagging fear that he is a WUM. I almost hope for his sake that he is.

If I manage to convince myself that he isn’t a dual account then he’ll be getting my vote.

i think his timing was a bit obvious for this latest bullshit

This thread has become boring!!

Puke; stir it up there boy!

[quote=“BenShermin”]This thread has become boring!!

Puke; stir it up there boy![/quote]

THICK CUNT!:smiley: