I'm going into town now

I wouldn’t bring my kids into a pub.

Im in a pub with my kid.


Thank god for that

I’m ringing the guards

About to head in shortly with some pals. No trains between Connolly and Grand Canal but we’ll find somewhere to watch Buick hose up in the 2:55 in Deauville, a bit of scran (maybe see what Brunker wears on a hot day in Hugo’s) and then somewhere for the Spurs Chelsea game where we can shout
‘Go on Harry son’ ‘Go on Son….eh son’


So, throw those curtains wide
One Day Like This a year would see me right
Throw those curtains wide
One Day Like This a year would see me right
Throw those curtains wide
One Day Like This a year would see me right, for life
Throw those curtains wide
One Day Like This a year would see me right for life

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I’m going to head into Dawson Street now. I’ll walk to the end of it and work bottom to top (Trinity College to St Stephen’s Green). I plan to work strictly in this order

  1. Hodges Figgis - to get a book for my da (recommendations welcome)

  2. Tower Records - to buy a record or two

  3. Celtic Whiskey shop - for a bottle of tequila

I’ll make an exit at that juncture as I don’t feel like dilly dallying today. I won’t stop for a coffee or a pint as I don’t like to do so when I’m cluttered with shopping bags. It upsets my sense of calm.


My aul fella got great mileage out of the Old Ireland in colour books.


Good idea. I got him the one with photo on cover in front of the thatched cottage so will pick up another one

John Creedon ( Cork yes) has a daycent book out now for people of your da’s vintage, a highlights package from the folklore collection, from every corner of the country, I got it for the father in law but I’ve been dipping in and I’ll get my own copy


A book, a bottle of tequila and a couple of records isn’t exactly cluttered with shopping bags. I’d strongly suggest you partake of a hot-toddy (Jameson) and a pint of porter before braving the return journey.
Shopping, or what passes for it is incomplete without a mild libation.


There’s another similar style one called County by County, and also a civil war one if he’d into that.

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A little update from one of Dublin city’s many cathedrals would be most welcome


I love this photo and story of the O Halloran sisters from Clare who fought off (with no little style) an attempted RIC eviction. You wouldn’t cross these girls.


Just back from town there now. Picking up a gift for a pal and getting a spare meat thermometer. Busy but but not off the charts busy.

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Town is busy but not oppressively so. A real Bon viveur vibe.

i I picked up that Creedon book and the civil war book in Hodges Figgis. I picked up Suede and Kanye West records in Tower Records. There was a queue outdide Sheridan’s cheesemongers as I walked to my chosen cathedral (see below). It was not on my list but I’ve mentioned it as a point of interest.

I ran into an old acquaintance in Hodges Figgis while I queued for the till and then another acquaintance as I waited in a short queue outside the Celtic Whiskey Shop/Store. It’s hard to chat to people while queuing as the queue moves and it’s slightly awkward for both parties if you are more acquaintances than pals.

I added a bottle of Micil Gin to my Teremana Tequila in the Celtic Whiskey Shop/Store.

Before all that I stopped in The Duke on Duke Street where there was a lively trade. I chose it over Kehoes on basis Kehoes insists on itself too much especially on days like this and this time of year.


The Duke is grand for a quiet pint when you are doing the shopping.


Lovely mate. Having dealt with an assortment of deranged people all week (both on here and elsewhere) I am currently lining myself up for a launch into the station where I will be meeting ed, damo, Claire, stevo and Matty for pints.
I’ll forward a photo in due course.
Happy Christmas to you and yours. Send my regards to your da. Our mutual pal says he’s a gentleman.
I’m hoping the station is quiet at the back.


Happy Christmas pal to you and all the family. Have a great one. Thanks again for that very large favour.

Enjoy the pints.

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