I'm going into town now

All over the place. I went in to buy a pair of shoes. Mother of Christ, I won’t go near the place tomorrow

If I heaven’t my shopping got by October next year, someone kill me. I cant stick town at this time of year at all

It’s a cunt. I’m all done now anyway. A perk of the job if you will

Any of ye going to chance it today lads?

Down in Dundrum - got here just before 10 and it’s not too bad yet but you can feel a big one building

In the Grafton Quarter. A nightmare.

Fucking buskers blocking up Grafton Street causing chaos.

Not if you said mass for me today

The flower sellers are the real menaces.

Wait until this day fortnight. Salaries and Christmas bonus payments loaded on card, work suspended for a fortnight and lads grunting as they handball 3 slabs at a time out of Tesco.
The joys of it. :pint::pint:

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I’ve all my shit done (the wife) . Happy days

@Fagan_ODowd can you consolidate into one thread please? We have the back door to Cafe En Seine on Anne’s Lane. The lack of service in Wetherspoons on Abbey St. The lunatic on the bus. Where else did your trip to town take you?


So sychophantic


Would you rather I be more obsequious?

I’m off into town now. I’m on a 43 bus and am positively giddy. My cousin’s 40th with a load of posh lads (mostly sound) and then on to my sister in laws 40th which will have much less posh people(mostly sound). It’ll be great but i will be on a knife edge to be honest. Mrs J reckons I’ll be asleep somewhere at some stage and the stakes are incredibly high tomorrow. The little lady has a prep mass for her communion and Mrs J dropped the bombshell that she ‘accidentally’ booked to have her nails done during mass time, thus raising the prospect of an incredibly hungover Juhy having to attend mass and not look or reek of a nights drink. We’ll see wjat we’ll see.


Also. Ive accidentally worn 2 coats. I was in a hurry to catch a bus and was changing from a body warmer to a proper going out coat. In my hast I threw the jacket on without removing the bw. I think this will really hamper my night.

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You’ll be her hero forever Juhy. I know it’ll be painful and all that but you’ll even feel proud of yourself in the aftermath. Little girls always love their Daddy’s (even when they’re 40+) so you’re onto a winner here. It’s a Dad of the Year story. Incredible sacrifice…

I’m off to a good old fashioned dinner dance tonight.


Old school, not too many of those left I’d say