In The Courts

That particular smiley cunt I’d love give a dawking

Read this earlier. They were all so young. One poor woman lost 3 kids. Were the owners partial to a political contribution I wonder?

Irish cons are pure useless-the youtuber I follow ( who did the hardest 18 months, you wouldn’t believe) would’ve cut this guys ballz off and the whole cellblock would’ve clapped.

This lad needs to be sorted-where are all the provo lads? Off on their wing playing fucking UNO

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Involved with taca as far as the story goes.

They were indeed. They were hand in glove with Charlie.


I was out in the car there earlier and Joe Duffy had a good show on about the Stardust talking to first responders on the night, nurses who treated the burn victims and friends of the deceased. Joe is at his best on matters such as this.


What the absolute fuck?

Butterly Senior had the compensation claim filed about a week after the fire. The inquest was done and dusted before the year was out. Finding of arson paved the way for a payout of about ÂŁ600,000.


You’d hope the Butterleys rot in hell.


Limerick people have been bringing their crazy disputes to Clare for decades now

What a pair of cunts. Particularly the mother. Couldn’t have dinner with another person and has her child move to a another part of the hotel to have an ice cream because of it.

One of Tim Pat Coogan’s books insinuated that Butterly was bessies with Haughey and there was a big Fianna Fáil cover up.

Tim Pat of course would be prone to exaggeration and general bullshit.

Either way it was utterly tragic and yesterday’s news was fantastic for families who have been treated disgracefully. I hope they get whatever they look for from now on.


I’d imagine on the back of the verdict yesterday, that he can be hit now where it appears to concern him most.

You could only hope so.

It’s his right of course but the fucker has tried every possible half baked story and method to get out of this.

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You’d feel fair sorry for the kids.


Think it might have been reported here earlier, but he (Butterly) put in two applications for Judicial Review in relation to the Stardust proceedings. Judges generally get the ire of a lot of people, and that’s often fair. But in this instance, Judge O’Connor wasn’t having any of it.

Hope he’s taken to the cleaners.

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I was referring to Josef Puska.

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That’s a Clare row. Yer man Deegan gets great mileage out of sitting in on those stories