In The Courts

if it was in isolation, then you could think that but the leniency prevades right through the court system, up to CoA and SC

violent unprovoked assault: walk away. disobey a court order: throw the book

Any particular reason he wasnā€™t charged with attempted murder?

DPP probably didnt feel that that particular threshold had been met. recent superior courts decisions on unduly lenient wouldnt exactly fill you with confidence that the sentence will be increased

Itā€™s difficult. It seems on the surface and appallingly lenient sentence, and some of the judgeā€™s comments seem GUBU, so much so that itā€™s hard to believe that there isnā€™t something we havenā€™t heard, simply because it stretches all credibility otherwise. You can only wonder whether judges have been told not to impose custodial sentences.
The character witness is hard to understand also, but if called, Iā€™d imagine he was compelled to tell the truth.
Could he have refused I wonder?

its certainly plausible given the number of prison spaces. but the amount of violent criminals walking the streets having racked up a load of convictions is baffling. reading judgements, it seems that the focus is always on mitigaton for the defendant rather than the aggravation and the effect on the victim. and thats before you get to concurrent sentencing :rage:

he should have gone with the age old military answers: name rank and serial number. of course, the prosecution could have taken the approach taken with kiely during the hayes trial and grilled him. or the commandant could have said that the military would also begin their own investigation which wouldve taken the legs from the judges idea of saving yermans career


How many new prison spaces have been created in the past 30 years say, given the increase in population in that timeframe?

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I can understand why the character witness was cagey in this case as Iā€™d imagine he didnā€™t want to say anything that could be perceived as prejudicial to the potential dismissal??

Without looking it up Iā€™m gonna say , sweet fanny adams


saying that there is a process without indicating where it will end up isnt prejudicial

brave woman, and harrowing to listen to

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Id suspected as much, but youā€™d never know
I wonder how well briefed your man actually was. Itā€™s just difficult to comprehend the whole thing

Feckin jesuits too

Same judge different day


Crotty is probably a man grappling with significant personal issues. Good chance he is a latent homosexual struggling to reconcile this aspect of his identity within the masculine environment of the army. Under the influence of alcohol and potentially drugs, his self-loathing intensifies, leading to a public outburst of homophobia that reflects his internal turmoil.

Ms. Buckley, given her experience working in a pub, might have been wiser to avoid engaging with an obviously intoxicated and unknown individual. Her confrontation with Crotty & his subsequent violent outburst was probably triggered by his anger towards women, the gender he feels societal pressure to be attracted to, yet his urges are to lift shirts.

Thanks Sid

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Maybe heā€™s just a cunt with liqour in him ? Is that possible?

Sounds like a brave lady as he was calling somebody else a faggott and she was sticking up for that individual who was being abused.


Someone gave Freud a lobotomy.


I know 2 or 3 lads who are grand fellas. Polite, hard working and just decent fellas but they canā€™t be let near alcohol. It just drives them insane. Whatever goes on in their head they just go from 0 to 60 in a flash.


These days its more tham alcohol. Ive stopped drinking with some fellas as they would wreck your head

I know one lad and Iā€™d be friendly with him but I donā€™t go drinking with him anymore.

Heā€™d be depressed the next day too and Iā€™d say for a few days after any incidents.

It doesnā€™t excuse your actions either of course.