
I wore leather shoes today for the first time in about 14 months.

I can barely walk. Ankles are cut to ribbons.

Did you win the meeting.

I bossed it. I then hobbled out.

It felt good to be back. Except for my ankles.

I remember coming home from the UK one summer to see a mound of top soil which had been sitting there since the autumn and neither of the brothers would bother their arse to give the auld lad a dig out.

By fuck did I shovel that day with office hands. 40 barrows or so later I was like a Greek god and sugged a heap of pints that night basking in my glory.


Iā€™d say the hands were in shit after it

I am a serious man to operate a Darby shovel

Iā€™d say youā€™re some man to stuck bales

There is a fella that sells it down by the marina in Cork every Sunday. There is a market there and he has the full range of it. As an aside try Glucosamine and Magnesium supplements. I had bouts of pelvic and hip pain and sometimes the knee would flare up but it has helped massively. Much freer movement.

I saw that fella recently and meant to go back to himā€¦ how much?

Yeah I plan to go back to him myself. I just got his brochure to read a bit more about it and he answered a few questions I had. He has different strengths 5%, 10%, 20% and sizes for all manner of ailments. It would probably be cheaper than what you would pick it up for on the main street. Its worth ambling down there on a Sunday anyway and getting the steak tacos next door.

Shoulder still not right after taking a hopper off the mountain bike 2.5 weeks ago. Any suggestions for what I can do to help with recovery? Used voltarol a little early days. Itā€™s not excruciating pain but itā€™s there.

:+1: :open_mouth:

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Man the fuck up?

Too late for that pal

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Get it looked atā€¦ youā€™ve obviously done a bit of damageā€¦it will come back to haunt you if you dont

Cuban rotations

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Thanks pal. Iā€™ll give that a go.


Shoulder taps also help shoulder stability and challenge it.

Add in some prisoner stretches

Cool. Iā€™ve done the taps before. Wasnā€™t sure should I be doing stuff like that while itā€™s injured