
What were you doing with deep heat?

What do you do with deep heat? It has one use that Iā€™m aware of

Spraying it in his eye by the sounds of it


Yeah wouldnā€™t be a fan. The real top end ones arenā€™t too bad. Few pros in UK refuse to play on them. Jack Norwell for e.g has it in contract even though his own club play Ć³n a hybrid grass/plastic pitch

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Few gaa clubs in dublin who set them up early doors have senior teams who refuse to play/train on them. Ballymuns is like concrete


Itā€™s hard to play on grass after playing on 4/5 g pitches. The ball does what you tell it - not so much on grass. If youā€™re fast they are great altogether.

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A twisted ankle and suspected broken nose. At the doctor now for the nose. Canā€™t bait it


Youā€™re just fishing for likes. Iā€™ll give you one anyway - a like that is.

I need sympathy. Iā€™ve tagged myself into the hospital on fb and all. Telpis Iā€™m soft like that


Maybe a few more details. The gorier the better, would garner the desired reaction. But theyā€™re an unempathetical, cynical crew. Itā€™ll have to be good.

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:joy::joy::joy: its just a pain in the hole tbf. Herself wasnā€™t too impressed and insisted I get it looked at. She might trade up otherwise

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Sympathy like there for you mate

Tnx hun xxxx

Who or what broke your nose?

What happened?

Rubby. 2 separate incidents

You gee bag.

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Ah! I withdraw all sympathy.

I think Iā€™ve diagnosed myself with runners knee guys. Same knee as Iā€™ve had ACL surgery, not too bad when running generally but flares up after a run and kind of limits you for a few days after a longer run.

Whatā€™s the best way of dealing with it? Would strapping on the knee reduce this?