
@fenwaypark @TheUlteriorMotive @Tassotti @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and @twiceasnice97

We run a program here with the local council where every Saturday at midday for 6 weeks we take kids from very very disadvantaged parts of the locality and just coach a soccer session for a fn hour, we brihg up a few from our club also and the idea is they mingle and make friends.
Now itā€™s tough going at times, I had them doing 1v1s this morning and a fella threw an elbow, other kid ran home to get his brotherā€¦fella who threw elbow, 11 now was calling him an ā€œinnocent childā€ and " he ll finish his brother off later"ā€¦anyway you get itā€¦

part of the warmupā€¦doing sprints,out to edge of on backā€¦me like an eejit,not warmed mad to get involved tears into a full sprintā€¦on the turnā€¦my left calfā€¦now no pop but a feeling of a big pull or like it being seriously strainedā€¦
OKā€¦that was me doneā€¦im waking by carrying it, cannot runā€¦walking down stairs not goodā€¦no pain sitting took NSAID and had a shower
should I deep heat this?
will I stretch it.
I can raise leg and pull toes back okā€¦but walking is a disaster,
do I need surgery.? or will I just massage it with deep heat and tough it out?

thanks lads

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Sounds like you pulled it. Rotate between ice pack and hot water bottle. Dont do any stretching till it feels better.

Did you fall over or feel like you were kicked in calf.

If not then itā€™s not as bad as ir could be.

Rest Ice Compresson Elevation today and tomorrow. Then we can reevaluate but itā€™ll be grand

Is it your left leg and do you drive a manual car

thanks fenway much appreciated
I get very carried away when Iā€™m coaching and wanted to literally race two young ladsā€¦I have to avoid these situations coaching where Iā€™m bringing 100% of myself to itā€¦OK I should have been warm but maybe its a lesson

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Happened to a teacher in our place during 1st year sports day. Decided to run the sprint and pulled his hamstring off the bone.


no. not at all
I felt like my calf muscle was was a ball and socket joint and it was pulledā€¦id like to almost squeeze it and pop it back together

oh jesus
in that situation
are we talking excruciating pain?
like I stopped ā€¦suddenly but a true tear ā€¦is that something awful?

Youā€™ve probably torn it but itā€™s not the worst tear so youā€™ll be grand.

Important to rehab it though or itā€™ll go again/be weak.

Weā€™ll cross that bridge next week

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9 out 10 on pain scale.

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Uploading: image.pngā€¦

Christ :disappointed:

Thank fuck it wasnā€™t your Achilles. Thatā€™s a long road back. Calf is grand.


thanks lads for the feedback

Struggling with what I think is sciatica the past 10 days or so. Doesnā€™t hugely affect me walking around but really seizes up if Iā€™m sitting down for a while or sleeping.

Never really had something like this before, assuming/hoping itā€™ll just sort itself out.

I had it and the constant pain made me nauseous, if you have a free MRI with your health insurance it would be no harm to see where the injured disk is

I donā€™t have any major pain.
Just feel it if I get up quickly or put major pressure through my heel. Outside of that my hip muscles are really tight, like they have seized up to protect the nerve.

Would you try a Shakti mat

A nice way to relieve pain if it does come on is to massage your Achilles and surrounding area, really relieves sciatica.

It usually stems from lower back obviously but it could be a number of things pulling on your back like glute issues.

Do some stretching of the whole lower body, from calves to hips but especially hammyā€¦ Thereā€™s tonnes of sciatic specific on the Tube. Maybe have a prod around glutes/hips/lower back with a foam roller ā€¦ But my guess is youā€™ve a minor disc issue going on with a glute or hammy issue.

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I might have aggrevated something running thd half marathon two weeks ago. Although the issues didnā€™t start until the following Wednesday so possibly unrelated. Went for a run Thursday and it was fine while running.

Take a few hot baths with Epsom salts
Loosen out all connections

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