
Check for hip rotation / one leg longer than the other

Had this a good few years back @TreatyStones . Had been doing a share of driving at the time. Glutes were the issue. Saw a physical therapist and all sorted in a few sessions.

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My right glute is seized up. Never had great range of motion there.

The running (especially on roads) won’t do the glutes any favours. I notice if I do a big block of road running that I can have a few issues there. Generally no problems with glutes when out on trails and mountains. Less pounding I suppose.

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You need to activate the glutes before exercise. I do 4 sets of 10 before each run. Made a huge difference


Would your glutes often take a pounding?


Got a belt of a boot last night under the lip. Nasty enough 4 stitches outside and 2 inside the mouth. Permanent scaring I reckon and the end of my modelling career, it promised so much. Positives of the mask is I can hide the cut, negatives it’s an awful pain. I look like a shit newly look a like with a plaster on the wrong side of my face

Who smashed you? An anti vaxx nut on a rampage?

The lads that are on christy ring Bridge. I’ve git great fun out of giving lip. The lights went red and I got it back with change

I’ll buzz you there in a bit in WhatsApp. We’ll tip in and find em.

A hurley and Limerick accent should be enough to scare off the cunts


No one wants to see a broken toe. Thought better of that.

*5 a side astro injury.

@TreatyStones - €50 euro please.

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@Thomas_Brady I’ve basically tried to avoid sitting down this week and its been a huge help. Still a bit of general tightness in the glute area, but I’ve been very strict on my mobility work and definitely noticing the difference.
I’ve done a few short runs the past week and it doesn’t seem to aggrevate it once I do my exercises first.

Sitting is the new smoking


When there’s any kind of weakness in the glutes sitting for long periods is a killer. kev gave the advice years ago if sitting for long periods get up every hour and squeeze your arse really tight, wake up the glutes.

I’d say you’re on to something, I’m lucky to have a job where I’m not n my feet all day, moving as well.
Has to be bad for spine, legs etc

Do you have mini bands pal?

They are a great job for glute activation before a run

No, but they are on my list to pick up this weekend. I’ve been prescribed a few exercises using them by the physio.

They are a gamechanger.

Few glute bridges and clams with the bands before a run is the job.

You’d see all the young lads from 14 up warming up before matches with them now. When we’d have been taking penalties :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Standing desk is a must