International Elections Thread

I think it’s ironic that Right Leaning parties with Anti Immigration rhetoric are growing on the back of people fleeing autocratic regimes in their own Countries.

I’d argue that social media has been a hugely negative influence in growing paranoia

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Social media has destroyed people… There’s people that spend hours on it looking to affirm their own beliefs or to dig out material to get mad at. Very strange.


I think the argument in Italy is that most of these people are economic migrants rather than refugees. And this isn’t to do with Ukraine, it’s been the talk over there for nearly 10 years.

But yes, Social Media clickbait doesn’t help. Spin doctors galore bending the truth to suit there agenda. That’s from all sides of the political spectrum . My guess is the Italians have been sold a dream of days gone by and people just long for this simpler time.

It’s not coming back no matter what I’m afraid.

Look at the Dream the British turkeys voted for.

It’s a dangerous dream to follow

It’s only the beginning. Nordic countries along with the Germans are next.

Just rear children and they’ll be grand

Dunno about the Germans. There’s a ingrained embarrassment about mistakes of the past there.

I’d wager Putin has been funding this movement for a decade and if his War fails his dirty stigma will remain elsewhere

Quinn and his ilk are despised here. Despite the best half hearted efforts of the Sunday Indo, Newstalk and a few other professional chaos agents to foment a reactionary right-wing culture war, the Irish media is thankfully largely middle of the road.

Our politics are largely middle of the road. Education is valued. A culture of widespread rejection of education, imposed from the top down, is a key prerequisite for these right wing culture wars.

We don’t have the baggage and the history of other European countries, or unreckoned with history of fascism or empire, or the deep mental scars and distrust of everything brought about by communism. Fundamentalist religion is now largely ignored. In the US it’s a massive industry. We are one of the few countries where the majority of the population has some sort of positive vision of the future, rather than harking back to an imagined glorious past. We are helped by being able to define ourselves as generous of spirit in opposition to the mean and miserable shade of Northern Unionism and Loyalism epitomised by the DUP, and to Toryism and its media, as outward looking in opposition to their inward looking backwardness.

But we are increasingly an outlier in Europe and there’s no knowing how long that will last.

Your point about heavy petting is very very strange.

I meant french kissing, and it’s not strange

You may want to rephrase


Its gas fellas are now expert’s in Italian politics and are incredibly concerned that Italy is doomed for years under this government. Without realising Italian politics is a basket case and goverments fall easier than a corkman within 5 meters of a slitor. They will be back at the polls by February


If you think “heavy petting” in public should be normalised… gay or straight… you’re a crazy person.

I don’t. My observation was that passionate embracing in public in Ireland would still cause less discomfort in general between a heterosexual couple than a homosexual couple, and I don’t think being part of a homosexual couple is anywhere near as easy as some think despite the advances.

Once fascism is in, it tends to stay in. It changes the rules of the game. It directs anger outwards at manufactured enemies and it always has the support of media in doing so. If it feels it doesn’t have enough media support, it manufactures its own lying media and makes enemies of the very concept of real journalism.

This is basic history. You’d be well advised to take note of it instead of coming across like those who took the threat of Nazism lightly in 1933.

You’re almost as bad

But the Nazis were socialists no? “Basic history” like.

Hi Labane.

Yerrah good thing is it never left and spŕead across the world according to you everything is fascist

Kathy Bates Mama Boucher GIF

That’s quite the leap.

According to you and several other posters here being a disciple of Mussolini is not fascist.

So according to you that means nothing is fascist, because if you’re a disciple of Mussolini and supposedly not a fascist, well, what could be fascist?

Which would sort of come across as the sort of thing fascists like to say, because openly branding yourself as a fascist tends not to be a winning strategy.