International Elections Thread

Did Fascists take power in a coup in Italy or was there a democratic election? Sone so called anti fascists don’t seem to like the result of a democratic election, it’s all very confusing.


I hear you’re far right now Ted

Hitler came to power after a democratic election. But according to Bod Hitler wasn’t a fascist, because apparently you can’t be a fascist if you come to power after a democratic election.

The TFK curmudgeons keeping moving the bar for what fascism is ever higher - it seems now that nothing, not even a supporter of Mussolini, not even Hitler himself, can be classed as fascist.

The TFK curmudgeons now say “protect fascists at all costs”.

Did you not get the memo? You can only be democratically elected if you wear a rainbow armband and register a vote in the Eurovision song contest


Fair, open, free democratic election but they can’t accept a woman will be in charge.

These disgusting misogynsts’ need to accept the will of the Italian people.


Trump cheerleader and Hillsborough conspiracy theorist @dodgy_keeper lying about people apparently not accepting the result of an election when he supports a fascist who tried to stage a coup against the winner of democratic election.

You couldn’t make it up.

God I miss Fulvio. He’d clean house with this


The Hillsborough conspiracy theorist is badly rattled.

Thanks to the poster who spilled some very juicy gossip about @dodgy_keeper via PM, by the way.

Let’s just say a dodgy keeper is not all he is. :grin:

That never actually happened but I do seem to remember you mocking @iron_mike over his cancer.

Sad that you have to resort to lies. Always with the lies. That’s the kind of guy you are though.

A real stand up guy, not, as a member of your own community kindly informed me.

@dodgy_keeper never mocked me over my cancer. Maybe he partook in some black humour (am I allowed say that) which more often thannot was initiated by me but I have met dodgy several times and he has shown nothing but support


That’s not what you told me via PM.

Ive never sent you a pm

A lot of projection there.

Projection is always obvious.

At least Tom Humphries was a good writer when the mood took him. The same can’t be said of you.

Come off it. You know what you sent. And you weren’t the only one that sent me stuff in relation to that poster.

I did yeah

Sounds like you need to have a lie down. I’d say your blood pressure is rocketing. Sweating like a…

You speak for all of us. He should set his principles (however admirable) aside and return for the greater good

1 Like

Pity. I’d have thrown him a ‘like’


You’re an Andy Goram type? Could have guessed, I suppose.

How are you getting on over on these days? I glanced at it earlier and see you’re still prominent there.

Still calling for a war of extermination against Protestants or have you mellowed towards accepting DUP rule over Dungiven forever? Judging by your recognition of the sham referendums in Ukraine run by the Russians, I’d say at this stage you wouldn’t be happy until the British Army and the EDL have run every Catholic out of the town and Dungiven was run at gunpoint by Soldier F, Lenny Murphy and some guy who says dog piss cures Covid.

A split personality is a nawful thing.

Id say you wrote the book on it