International Elections Thread

Jacinda was laughing at Paddy. She’s not laughing now.

Fair play to the girl for getting out when she has nothing left to give. Not like the lifers here sticking at it for as long as they can to plump out their pensions. Getting out at the top.


Leo indicating that there will be a general election here in the Republic in October 2024 with the existing government due to leave office in early 2025, but Leo doesn’t want a winter election.

Fair play to her for taking on what she did and the service she game. Between the shooting and the pandemic she had a lot thrown at her, for such a young age. A few lads here throwing stones at her and they the same lads who were afraid to even post about their soccer team when things weren’t going well.

They never want a winter election. Something about the population being in a bad mood in winter. I don’t think it stands up to any real scrutiny as they never actually have elections in December or January.

I’d imagine it’s more to do with enjoying their own Christmas and getting volunteers* to canvas etc

*Or benefactors employees

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Longer evenings for canvasing, as you said, the big bills haven’t landed and people are pissed off. It makes sense.

All a matter, Sinn FĂŠin will get in no matter what.

Its to keep raffle ticket sales and outgoing costs listed innthe same calendar year

Good riddance. A poster woman for government overreach


pity, one of the best world leaders out there

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She should be in front of a judge for human rights abuse


A tyrant dressed in ‘be kind’ clothes


That doesn’t watch back well.

Probably why, reap what you sow

This Orban fella hasn’t a barney.

People will go Hungary

Hungary’s economy is facing a Debrecen.

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The Female Lead will be seething.

Didn’t you support Trump?

