International Elections Thread

The party is over

Textbook Art, in for a pop at another uppity woman.

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There’s a curious crossover between those who thought it was “an ambush” to ask Kellie Harrington about a racist tweet she voluntarily put out, and those who think a female PM has no right to have any leisure time, such as say, a night in with friends (including one person who didn’t turn out to be such a friend).

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I hope she goes out and parties hard for the next week. And that a video of it emerges. Last one was great.

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I presume there was more to it than she went to a party. Have we any authority on Finland? I know Kev was Greenland but has anyone helsank their teeth into the world’s happiest nation

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I’d say she’s some spin

Good man glas, your misogyny has been exposed many times on here. Classic white knight syndrome.

Id say sanna would be much more able to defend herself than the likes of you

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Pity. She was a ride

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She’s still attractive

And @Batigol’s chances are arguably much better now she doesnt have a security detail at all times.

Was she in coalition with Flabour?


good old mudguarding

see FF 1997-2009, also FG 2011 -2016 and probably FG 2020-2025

Poor oul Jason is rightly upset.

Yeah, but without the power…

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Was speaking to a colleague of mine earlier today from Turkey. She was so sad and disappointed. All you could do was console her (whilst thinking that she has been mugged off, mugged off good and proper).

Sounds like Erdogan has it, although his opponent is claiming they are doing the bollix in a few key areas

The incumbent is on his bike in the run off in Constantinople.