International Elections Thread

Some charming comments from Finland’s new far right finance minister have been exposed:

"Is anyone up for spitting on beggars and beating n***r children today in Helsinki?," she asked.

*“*I’m so full of hate and pure rage that I’m about to melt on my chair. Holy hell what are you doing to my psyche, Islam?” ‘riikka’ wrote in January 2008. **

**And in September 2008 ‘riikka’ wrote “If I were given a gun, there would be dead bodies even on the commuter train.”

National elections will take place in Cambodia this Sunday. Strongman Hun Sen will ‘win’ easily thanks to the banning of the opposition (The Candlelight Party). Hun Sen has effectively been Prime Minister for 38 years and the next term will see his oldest son Hun Manet take over. That transfer of power could well get messy.

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Watched it on tv last night. Whatever way the system works, voting finished at 8pm and we knew the results more or less at around 11pm. Nobody really “won”. Looks like it might go back to another election again.
One thing I found odd is supporters of the main parties gathered outside their HQs as if Limerick fans outside the Gaelic grounds. PSOE supporters singing “no pasaran”.

Looks like the heatwave hit the climate deniers in the far right?

hehe most likely !

Thank fuck you went to Australia all those times.


you pigdog - these all were essential journeys

Im home alone atm as i now even wont take essential journeys, its just me, my dog , a bag of grass and some shrooms, can you imagine how hard this is?


Is your drug habit good for the environment bro? I suppose they aren’t using pesticides or farting cows

Wow. I’m in malahide right now. It’ll only take me 20mins to get out to where you live.

yes, mushroonms fight climate change mate

knock up & ill give you a few shrooms

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Keep up the good work mate :clap:

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This is sooner than expected. Only took 38 years.


Proper efficiency

They’d be 5 days counting the votes here. A proper country



One for the 12 pubs of Christmas lads