Investment Opportunities (get poor quickly schemes)

Can you automate your strategy? Takes any deity out of it.

Also, the 100% tail risk is fucking mental

Investing in the stock market is gambling by the same definition, yet is the only asset class that actually gives a decent return after inflation and fees.

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Similar to this?

You recommend any ETFs (NASDAQ)? Have been balls deep in a couple of Vanguards for a few years and they’ve shown great growth. Double down or anything else out there?

It’s similar but he is using stocks and bonds to reduce volatility. You can do the same thing switching from VTI to TLT, as bonds generally are a good hedge against stock declines.

Can you list out the steps for your strategy? I wouldn’t mind back testing it.

See if it could be optimised by an algorithm

Vanguard have some of the lowest fees, even on their mutual funds. I like VTI as it gets you a broad spectrum of stocks from small to large caps. They won’t allow you buy leveraged or inverse funds however. The big risk for later this year is the US elections, if Trump gets reelected the party should continue, if Bernie gets elected the market could drop 50%.

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I’ll see what my accountant gets me back from last year’s tax, and peg it into something.


Just track the weekly MACD for UPRO and SPXU on stockcharts. You can set the time period to anything you like. Start with the asset that is trending up (black line trending up, black line over red line) and stay in it until the trend reverses, then sell. Don’t enter the other asset unless it’s weekly trend turns up (same rules), stocks trend up most of the time and you can get a false SPXU signal (like we have just had this past two weeks). You have to be willing to take 15-20% drawdowns.

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I was advised by another friend to invest in water companies as it’ll become a more finite resource over the next few years.

He obviously watched the big short.

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It all depends on what you’re looking for with the money you’ve to play with. You’ve to figure is it something you want to park away safe and growing slowly or whether you’re willing to marry risk and return.

Figure out what you’re looking to achieve and build from there.

Are you sure he didn’t tell you to liquidate your assets?

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Safe and growing slowly.


ESG is where it’s at.

I’ve never seen something take hold so quickly. If companies are are not taking it seriously they will be punished by the markets.

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What’s esg mate?


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A good recession will wipe these hippie investors out