Investment Opportunities (get poor quickly schemes)

The global economy is very vulnerable at the moment. What ever basket of investments you assemble should include gold and silver.

I do that with electricity, but I have to pay extra :man_shrugging:

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I swear there are lads on here with more surplus than an eu butter mountain

Euro > AUD

Well holy God

Can revolut change money into Aussie dollars? Should I be buying a load them now?

It can

Is it a time to buy

Time to load up?

How safe is revolut. I bought some sterling and usd as well. Was going to use it for trading but not sure how safe it is

If I trust revolut, is this the time to load up though? Presumably if the Chinese economy starts recovering then the lickspittle australian economy will recover quickly too.

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It sounds reasonable but we are in unprecedented times

@anon7035031 and @briantinnion are the guys to ask about FX trading I think

I hope anyone looking to profit off this tragedy loses whatever money they have left.

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Fuck you. I’ve lost a fortune from this tragedy already. If I can claw some of that back off the stock markets I’m fucking delighted .


Sterling is in freefall

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Jesus but it’s at crucial moments like this you’d miss lapsed poster @TheLinkWalsh.
Incisive, decisive, abrasive, a man for making ballsy calls.

If you were looking for opportunities, I’m not sure I’d start with FX. A lot of very good companies are very cheap out there all of a sudden and the selling is based upon momentum and fear rather than fundamentals. I’d stay out for now but in time …

Ryanair shares have nearly halved? Can anybody tell me is there a good book to read about getting involved in shares and what not. Say I bought 20k worth of Ryanair shares today at a tenner a share and in a months time they are 20 euro a share. What are the rules re selling and what taxes do I pay or commission.

I think it’s 30% on the profit of each individual trade. I’m fairly sure but you’d need to confirm it yourself. Just google and youd find out.

Capital gains tax of 33 % on any profits made. The first €1,270 of gains are not taxable though. Losses can be written off against it too.


Tax is 33% of the profit.

Commission depends on the broker, think around 2% of every purchase or sale is normal.

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