Investment Opportunities (get poor quickly schemes)

Use DeGiro or similar. Much cheaper commission rates.

Also, be careful of ETF’s. Tax situation is much more complicated for them.

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Honestly, stick to what you know. Forget about shares, bonds and currencies. Just another form of gambling.


You can trade shares online for free basically. A bit shy of 2% would be about right for a dealing account with a Davy or whoever

But you’re buying into a company that will be really badly affected by this crisis. Ryanair will surely bounce back as one of the strongest airlines but even if their shares go up to what they were you just double your money? Obviously that is a fantastic return but many other companies with far less exposure to the crisis have dropped hugely will return quicker and indeed stronger.

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I wouldn’t be buying them now. They’ll fall a good bit more imo and it looks a safe investment. I like Ryanair as I’d be confident they’ll recover.

That degiro crowd are only a few euros a trade.
You can trade shares on Revolut as well. 3 free a month, but I’d still be slightly wary of them holding anything other than a small amount of spending money for me

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Can anyone ladybird this for me? Is it better to transfer money en masse in Revolut to another currency, go in to a bank and take out a paper equivalent ie dollars or transfer money to my Canadian bank account. Or just leave it.

Never heard of them. Are degiro trustworthy? Do they hold the shares or do you get them? If they’re a shares com0any and shares in everything have just tanked surely they are at risk? I’ve two companies I wanted to invest in anyway and this will obviously be a good time.

Well don’t do cash anyway. See what rates you are being offered for the other two options. I’d imagine Revolut would be the cheapest

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Are any of them? They are around well over a decade and operating in multiple countries so should be alright

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If using Revolut Make sure you buy between Mon-Fri.

The exchange rate at the weekend on Revolut is shite.

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Regulated by Dutch Central Bank and afaik the shares are held in separate accounts etc. Fairly big now too so that’s a help as well

Bit of a spike during the night. 1 EURO > 1.97 AUD

Down to 1.90 again.

I’d a few pound from a bet there I won in the betfair hurdle a couple of months ago and have been humming and hawing about investing it. Plans for the summer holiday have been put on hold so I’ve been thinking about it more and more. Would lads have any thoughts on currency exchange? Sterling is 88p for a euro at the moment but that doesn’t sound too appealing. I missed the boat on Aussie dollars.

The pound is a pound


For a euro!

I was thinking aib maybe at around 95 cent. They were around 5.78 two years ago.

Hilton hotel shares