Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Iranian women are UNRALE.


Finest looking women on earth. Yasmin le Bon is average looking almost over there.

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Be interesting to see what would happen if Iran shot down a US civilian airliner just for the hell of it

The Yanks got away with doing it to them, and the Russians got away with it twice

There’s no Western airliners going anywhere near Iranian airspace at the moment to avoid such an accident happening, so they’d have to go out of their way to do it

Well, a quick look at FlightRadar24 shows that flight UAE41P from San Francisco to Dubai is travelling over Southern Iran as I type

It may not be a US plane, but there are definitely a lot of US citizens on it

And the Iran Air plane that was shot down in 1988 wasn’t anywhere near the US, was it

Have you spent much time in Tehran mate? Always fancied a visit.

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Bit hairy though and not just down there.

Gas thing was a few months ago the airliners were going over Iran to avoid Pakistani airspace when there was tension with India. Was putting a couple of hours on the trip. Some US carrier gave up for a finish

All this happpened a few moments ago?

.Months pal. Edited.

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ya don’t fuck with the RN …are ya listening ayatollah?

shit just got real for the iranians, RN sending a type 45 to the gulf

It’s done an about turn and is headed for Dublin now to threaten the Irish over Brexit.


to finish the job the helga started?

you can bet there will be a Vanguard Class boomer with 16 Trident nuclear missiles somewhere in the vicinity as well …“COB, 10 degree down bubble” …“aye, aye sir!”

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As a matter of interest why would Iran export oil by tanker via Gibraltar, to Syria

They can start at the boardwalk, then a shell into champions avenue and a few more into crumlin. Sort out the hutches and kinahans.

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Now a 2nd tanker captured.

Hon Iran