Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Reminds me of an Ireland v England rugby match back in early 90’s at Lansdowne. It was the time of the gulf war. England were beating us 30 odd points and the Irish crowd were very quiet. Next thing; a lad with a thick Limerick accent lets a shout out of him, ‘hon the iraqi’s’.

Did he marry a German?

2-1 Iran

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The Brit’s are some shower of shitbricks. Why did they seize a snackbar tanker if they weren’t prepared to go the whole hog. Moma-ista fags.

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What sort of military might would Iran have? Would they have a decent air force etc?

They are prepared to spend blood and treasure. The tans aren’t. Game over.

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Iran would make shit of the Brits in short order. The yanks and the yid army would have to come to their rescue and bail out the useless cunts again.

Won’t happen though, it’s all posturing. Iran will sign a new nuclear deal in the very near future.

I admit I don’t know what will go on.

What I do know is @anon7035031 started out as some wall street know it all, buy this, buy that, wall street stocks and shares, …before admitting he was a chef who excelled in Mexican tapas…Christ he’s now turned into a Republican mouth piece trying to out Sidney, Sidney… No Chance

I fear @anon7035031 will break, theres no beating Sidney, he will end up topping himself. Ive seen it happen, its not pretty,


Ffs Tis no bigger than the Tarbert to Killimer ferry .

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Iran is definitely in the top 20 in the World in terms of army, Air Force etc maybe even top 10. They’ve a load of money spent over the years on their military and have a fair bit of recent experience in Syria and Yemen. They also wouldn’t buckle like the Iraqi army you’d imagine.

But the reality is the US would have their air force wiped out in a matter of days if they wanted and would win a conventional war in a week probably, but Iran won’t fight them like that.

The problem for the US would be that Iran is extremely mountainous and would be similar in terrain to Afghanistan where their conventional weapons don’t work so well. The Iranians will try to draw them into Afghanistan part two.

Then there’s the whole accidentally kicking off WW3 thing.

I don’t see the US invading them, they’ve surely learnt their lessons. A few bombing raids or something

The tans would get their holes opened…we drove them out of the south with a few hurleys… They’ve needed the US to save them multiple times… The only crowd they bate was a part time Argentinian army.


Fuck Tipperary

They already signed a deal which your hero ripped up for no reason other than that Obama signed it

Trump is responsible for all of the nonsense that’s happening as regards Iran currently

Iran upping the game

The Houthi Rebels

A great name, up there with Hezzbollah and the Mugahadeen as my favourite middle eastern militant group names.


The Iranians following the Russian line of deny, deny, deny then deny some more. Gambling that the US won’t be dragged into another war in the ME.
They might drop a few bombs soon though the way it 's going

Don’t forget the Gahliban


Druze militia men were great yokes. They sounded like a faction from a sci-fi movie

Mujahideen FFS.

The Oil price is after spiking 20% in a day, before falling back somewhat. Basically unheard of.

Fill up yer tanks today lads.