Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Gemtrails and her gang

Watch the Turks swoop in here and get the Ottoman Empire back up and running

They could not manage an election in their main city. All bluster on the home front


You give that pathetic woman too much store

Thereā€™s no better time to get rid of the whole democracy lark than when thereā€™s a war in the offing

Speaking of war, will you be hurling on saturday evening? I plan to be there for it

Iā€™ll be togging alright

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Will the lapdogs in Britain volunteer to send ā€œtheir boysā€ to the gulf ?

Or the ones here allow rendition flights through Shannon?
The whole thing is revolting.

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Paddy the biggest lap dog of them all, they might as well make Shannon a US Military airport, all for a few rounds of Guinness

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Sure didnā€™t NATO build knock airport

You were lapping it up a few weeks ago

Iā€™m Anglo American Irish


Drank Guinness is soon forgotten

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We are only a spark away from igniting the entire middle east

Are the Iranians that bad? They seem like great WUMs.
If they went to war with the US and UK who would you be cheering for?

The US & the UK canā€™t win a war against them, theyā€™d likely crush them in normal combat but itā€™d end up as Afghanistan times 10 for them after that. Surely not even the US are stupid enough to do that again. Trump has also been vehemently against war in the middle east now so to turn around and start the biggest war of them all would be a strange move, not that it would stop him.

Iā€™d imagine a war if it does come would be Saudi vs Iran with the US hiding in the background supplying them and probably the Russians & Chinese in the background supplying Iran. Likely through an escalation in Yemen as a starting point.
The other option is a limited war with the US just bombing the shit out of them like they did to the Serbs in 99.
Of course then you have the Turks and Israelis only waiting for a chance to settle a few scores around the place.

The Iranians are pretty bad in terms of civil rights, freedom of press etc. but the Saudiā€™s put them to shame. The reality is the middle east is a fucked up place and every ā€œWesternā€ Intervention just makes it worse and worse.

Iranian society isnā€™t half as backward as portrayed and certainly nowhere near Saudi in terms of sharia. It has the youngest population of any country there and whilst the people in charge are usually crazy clerics they are not representative of the general populace who are a progressive people. Tehran is a Western city with a western climate, snow in winter, nice summers. Its not a desert hellhole, unlike Iraq or Saudi.


They also have a Bobby Sands street which would have to be a plus one in their proā€™s column


Correct - The British Embassy is on it, hence why the name was changed so the Brits would have to use the address on official documents and look embarrassing. They are good WUMs in fairness, well ahead of their time.