Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

The Pershmerga are the pick of the rebels. A great bunch of lads.


That Russian special forces commando in Syria that called an airstrike in on his own co-ordinates when he was surrounded by the ‘so called Islamic State’ terrorists was some man.
He would have been a declared a Hero of the Soviet Union and given the Order of Lenin with Oak Leaves back in the old days.

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And ladies mate


The “Shiite Muslim Guerrillas” would be hard bet

Fuck it, that’s actually who I meant, not the Mujahideen

Iran obviously feel they are in a good position. Without getting the US involved the Saudis wouldn’t dare attack Iran, they can’t even handle what’s going on in Yemen let alone a full scale war.

There is zero appetite in the US for another Middle East adventure, and listening to Trump’s comments about US oil independence, and his firing of Bolton, there is little chance he would want to start an unpopular war heading into an election year.

Advantage Iran.

Let the Israelis at them.

That would be a short war.

Did this happen to take opportunity of the timing with Bolton and put pressure on Trump & the Saudis?

I’d say it has spooked the fuck out of the Saudis. One of those refineries was very close to Riyadh

The Saudi’s and the Israelis are in an alliance against Iran. The US takes its policy instructions from them.

Probably, it’s a test of Trump anyway. I think the Iranians know he would prefer a win on foreign policy before 2020 rather than a war.

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I can’t see the US entering another war in the Middle East anytime soon, it’s probably the single issue most Americans are united on. Europe has a lot more to lose from a conflict between Saudi and Iran, which would drive energy prices through the roof and cause a deep recession. Iran knows this which is one reason they are getting so aggressive.


The Saudis wouldn’t bate their way out of a wet paper bag the lazy cunts. The only way they’d win a war is to ship in a load of mercenaries.


Hon Iran. A great bunch of lads.

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True. The Saudis are the most useless group ever to be granted enormous riches. Did nothing to deserve it, earn it or use it well. A horrible shower


How much is a brigade of Hessians these days?

Middle East looking even more powder keggy than usual at the minute. The Turks vs the Kurds could kick off at any second

I’d fancy the Kurds to take that.