Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

The Kurds will be hard bet that’s for sure, but the Turkish army is very modern, access to NATO weaponry etc.

The Turks are of dubious character. All the modern weaponry in the world won’t change that.

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Every Turk does military service though, they are no mugs.
Although they had a big cull of top brass that time of the coup & replaced them with loyalists, which is part of the explanation of every war history for the side where things don’t end very well.

Doesn’t take a brave person to fire a rocket from a few miles away.

At least 18,000 fighters are due to participate in the first stage of the Turkish offensive, according to Abdelrahman Ghazi Dadeh, spokesman for Anwar al-Haq, a small faction within the FSA.

He said 8,000 would target the Syrian border town of Tal Abyad and 10,000 the town of Ras al-Ain, Dadeh told journalists in Akcakale.

An undetermined number of additional fighters were also expected to be mobilised for an assault on Kobane.

All three towns in northeastern Syria are controlled by the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).

According to Dadeh, FSA officers accompanied by Turkish soldiers carried out reconnaissance along the border on Wednesday in preparation for the assault.

“There is a 99 percent chance that the offensive will be launched tonight,” he said.

Kick off expected tonight apparently

Turks havent had a decent striker in years - defence usually wins championships and the Kurds are solid… Turkey might sneak the opening leg but Kurds to go through in the end.

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Have we have any handy graphic showing the strengths of the respective armies?

The Kurds were the only people who took the fight to ISIS and beat them on a level playing field. The Turks are scum.


The Turks could be exposing themselves badly here with all the Kurds inside their border as well

You know what you get when you mix Turks with Kurds?? - Turds lol :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

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The Russians and Trump want to create a new wave of migration to Europe similar to 2015/16 to try and undermine the EU

You are worse than the right wingers now mate seeing a conspiracy in everything

You need to learn to think

It’s widely accepted that the Russians wanted to create a wave of migration from Syria to Europe in 2015/16 in order to destabilise the EU

One of Russia’s main goals is to destroy the EU and this is low hanging fruit in terms of what they can do to contribute towards that

Ironically the people that most use the term “conspiracy theories” on this forum as a way to shut down debate tend to be the biggest conspiracy theorists of all, and continually float ludicrous ones

Projection is everywhere on this forum - well done on your own little contribution above

Invasion started

The Y, the Y, The YPG

Given what Trump said about Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons massacre of the Kurds at Halabja, nobody should be surprised by this

Also gives the lie to Trump being supposedly against the use of chemical weapons

From August 2016

“Saddam Hussein throws a little gas, everyone goes crazy, ‘Oh he’s using gas!’” Trump told a South Carolina rally. He presented the act, now recognized as a war crime, as part of maintaining stability in the Middle East.

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Kurds, Kurds, Kurds


What’s the craic with ISIS now? They’ve disappeared off the radar altogether now

There’s about 12,000 of them in detention camps in northern Syria.
The Kurds should herd them up to the border to fight the Turks.