Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Poor old @anon7035031 still doesn’t understand the difference between a joke by a comedian and an actual politician using the threat of violence to terrorise people

He doesn’t understand the difference between the arts and politics

He doesn’t understand the difference between comedy and fascist rhetoric

There’s always one, I suppose

He thinks Metallica’s Kill 'Em All and Primal Scream’s “Kill All Hippies” are directly equivalent to Hitler’s speeches at Nuremberg

This unfortunately is the type of complete simpleton who sadly labours under the impression that they have any intelligence or wit whatsoever, who is absolute fodder for fascist rhetoric

@anon7035031 claims to be a Radiohead fan

Just for him, here’s Thom Yorke shouting “Kill the President” :smiley:

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Your responses tell us all we need to know about you, but of course we knew it already.

TFK posters are by and large a sound lot with a good sense of humor and a good sense of what is appropriate or beyond the pale.

Your “satire” was universally condemned yet you still maintain it was funny. You have now dug in even further by claiming Tony Keadys children should find your depraved depiction of their grieving mother humorous.

It’s time for you to take a long break from the keyboard mate, although in your case I suspect even that wouldn’t help much.

Have a great day.

That’s a lie

It was universally praised as superbly witty, which it was - there are very few posters here have the wit to write something as good as that, and thankfully I’m one

But I don’t see what my superb satire of the Galway hurling team, the brilliance of which was proved by the fact that it annoyed you so much, has to do with your apologism for white supremacism and Trump’s incitement to murder journalists

Can you answer me, what does it have to do with it?

I’d hate to think you’d just try and change the subject to something completely unrelated in a desperate attempt to deflect away from your apologism for fascism

That would be most unlike you, tut tut

Is it exclusively leftists that are railing against these events? Is that why you’re throwing this up? All of the right are united in favour of this are they?

Are you confused?

China is by far the most brutal regime on the planet in terms of the number of people subjected to a communist totalitarian regime.
Yet leftists who denounce democratic countries are silent on China’s abuses.

It’s the same dilemma that the “Workers party” in Ireland found themselves in not just their silence but their defense of the Soviet Union.

Just wonder why you are referencing China here. Can nobody Who leans left criticise anybody unless they first come out against China?
Give us a list of countries that must be condemned before any other can be?

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America is not far behind in its brutality — they just do it in the name of greed tho so that’s all good :+1:

I’ll field this one

He does it with the specific purpose of switching debate away from the fascist nature and modus operandi of Trump, the Republican party and its associated media

This is something he’s spent the last four years desperately trying to defend

He knows he’s made a total fool of himself but can’t be seen to back down now and admit that he got it all wrong so is desperate to deflect onto literally anything else

Not saying that at all. There are plenty US conservatives, from both parties, that criticize US foreign policy. Most people in the US of all political leanings are now opposed to US interventions internationally, Democrats in particular want to see all troops brought home and the military budget slashed.

The issue is with leftists specifically in Europe and increasingly in the US who bleat on about the human rights abuses in the occupied territories, etc and essentially have an anti American stance on most issues. Yet are strangely silent on China’s appalling human rights record up to and including the present.

Conservatives are become unceasingly vocal in their condemnation of China, one wonders if the left will ever develop the balls to do the same. I suspect not.

Who are the US brutalizing to the same extent as China mate? How many US citizens are in prison camps or disappeared each year for speaking out against the government? How many Americans are in “re-education” camps and brutalized until they learn to conform?

What are you ‘not saying at all’? That people on the left cannot criticise anyone unless China?

Then you post this, ‘The issue is with leftists specifically in Europe and increasingly in the US who bleat on about the human rights abuses in the occupied territories, etc and essentially have an anti American stance on most issues. Yet are strangely silent on China’s appalling human rights record up to and including the present’.

This reads an awful lot like ‘people shouldn’t criticise anything unless China gets a dig first’.

Are you confused?

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“Conservatives” don’t give one flying fuck about China, mate, and you certainly don’t

You only use it to deflect, that’s the sole reason you bring it up

And you certainly don’t give one flying fuck about Muslims - you called for Islam to be banned and have been spewing racist hatred at them since you started posting here

Then you call the Saudi regime “benevolent” because they’re allied with the US and call for a genocide against Palestinians because Israel is allied with the US

The central tenet of US “conservatism” is a devotion to sadism and the misery of others

As an ideology it is totally bankrupt, a total fraud and deserves zero respect because it is nakedly pro-human misery whether it comes to war, human rights, civil rights, healthcare or the future of the planet and those who inhabit it

I dont know mate — How about the creation of Israel and the continued arming of them to carry out a genocide against the Palestinian people? - What about Vietnam? Iraq? Libya? Their arming and backing of the Saudis who are carrying out all sorts of murderous crimes against anyone they want, particularly against Yemen… and on and on we could go… The US are the biggest war mongers on the planet and you cant distance them from the brutality that comes during and after their crimes.


19 Saudis demolished the World Trade Centre and killed 3,000 people on US soil after Republicans ignored threats

Their response was to then invade Iraq and call Saudi Arabia an “an ally for peace”

Straight out of Orwell’s 1984

The current US regime is the most deeply entangled with the Saudi butchers there has ever been, making vast amounts of personal profit from their associations with them and being shameless apologists for the bone sawing to death of a Saudi journalist that the Trump family itself likely gave the intelligence to enable

Scaled up version of the brits.

Israel was created by the UN in 1947, can’t blame the US for that one. Yes the US has helped Israel defend itself against Arab aggression, the alternative is a complete genocide of Jews in the Middle East. I suppose being from Limerick, the only Irish city that had a pogram against Jews, you regret that Europe didn’t wipe all of them out in the 20th century.

Vietnam was part of the Cold War era and the fight to repel communism and the USSRs expansionism. Do you think the world would be a better place if communism had spread?

I am not a defender of the Iraq war or any of Obama’s adventures in Libya or Syria, very misguided. The best thing the US could have done after 9/11 was getting the fuck out of the ME.

However we are in the here and now, not 1947 or 2003. The US is gradually withdrawing from international conflicts, so when Russia and its ME allies control most of Europe’s oil and gas supplies don’t expect much help.

If anyone has a serious concern about global human rights, their first concern should be China and its treatment of dissenters.

Otherwise you end up in the sad Sidney camp of regarding the US as the prime human rights offender, even though next November we get to vote out Trump and every Republican in the House and Senate should we choose.

Sounds like you have very little interest or knowledge of what goes on in China.

I love the way you phrase that so as to try and associate Obama with the Iraq War

Backing the Kurds in Syria to fight ISIS was done under Obama, by the way

Last week you were to trying to claim you were for that, now you’re telling us you were against it

Obviously in the meantime you found out it was Obama’s idea :smiley:

It is quite possible to oppose both Bush Jn’s policies and Obama’s ME policies. Both were surrounded by zealots and incompetents.