Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

The US are fully to blame for this actually. The Jews were going to lose the UN vote by six so they arranged to have the vote delayed by two days. In this time they put pressure on Democrat President Harry Truman who was up for reelection the following year. They threatened to pull all Jew money that would be going to his campaign. As a result the States put pressure on countries like Indonesia, Nigeria and a few others to change their stance or they would fuck them over. Israel as a state should never have been allowed.


Where do you think the last remnants of Jews that Europeans and Arabs failed to kill should have gone?

Oh, you’re going with the bogus “both sides as bad as each other” narrative this time

The classic cliches really are being wheeled out now, aren’t they

You didn’t address my point

Last week you said you supported the fight against ISIS

That was Obama’s doing

Now, because you found out it was Obama’s idea, you’re suddenly against it

Trump is now operating a blatantly pro-ISIS policy and pro-gencide against the Kurds policy on the orders of Putin and you’re suddenly defending it left, right and centre, well, not left and centre I suppose

It doesn’t matter where I think they should have gone, they had no fucking right to go to Palestine. Maybe somewhere like Alaska?

PS. the Arabs killed fuck all Jews pre 1947. Most Jews who were living there since the middle ages hated the Zionists

Obama facilitated the growth and expansion of ISIS by his hasty withdrawal from Iraq. ISIS became a serious regional player from 2013 to 2016 so whatever Obama did against ISIS didn’t accomplish much. All of the major ISIS inspired and aided terrorist attacks in Western Europe were during Obama’s terms.

To give him credit Trump took the gloves off and let the generals take the fight to ISIS and destroyed them. Look at map of what they controlled in 2016 versus the few detection camps they inhabit now.

You are truly clueless.

The only reason European Jews had to go anywhere was literally every European country tried to exterminate all of them.

There were about the same number of Jews and Palestinian Arabs in Israel in 1945.

Every Jew that lived in north Africa and ME Arab countries were expelled and their homes seized from 1945 to 1948. Where should they have gone?

You sound like another Jew hater, too much time spent in Limerick?

you’re very stupid.

Very impressive response.

Wrong. Jews only owned 6% of the land before the UN declaration. The British had disarmed all Arabs in the region in the previous decade so they had no hope against the Jews who the Brits allowed to tool up. The Jews carried out horrendous atrocities against the Arabs, far worse than was inflected on them in the region. You think that’s all ok because of the Holocaust.

You should really educate yourself on the region before calling people Jew haters.

Firrst of all it was actually Bush who signed an agreement to pull out US forces from Iraq

Second of all, US public opinion was firmly in favour of such a move

Thirdly, and most importantly, the Iraqis were in favour of it too because they wanted to build the country up without outside interference

Fourthly, the pull out from Iraq was done over three full years, not literally overnight on the orders of Putin and Erdogan, like Trump

Obama did not create ISIS, Bush did by invading Iraq in the first place, in fact you can go right back to Reagan arming the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan, go back even further and look at how US money facilitated the spread of Wahabbism by the Saudis

Look now at how Trump glorifies the Saudi butchers

If there is one country which is responsible for the rise of Islamism, it is the US

It’s very surprising that you single out Obama, who was probably the least, or close to the least to blame for the spread of Islamism of any US president since World War II

Obama is a black Democrat though, so when you consider that, it becomes much less surprising

It was Obama’s idea to arm the Kurds to fight ISIS

Last week you said you supported that but since saying that you’ve flip flopped to support Trump’s idiotic withdrawal

Trump has now given in completely to ISIS

The US doesn’t rule Western Europe and Obama is not to blame for French, Belgian or English terrorists commiting terrorist acts in France, Belgium or England

This is so obvious I’m suprised it needs to be said, but clearly in your case it does

Trump did literally nothing except not interfere in the plan that was already in place

And all that is now gone, ISIS will be on the loose again, all thanks to Trump

As I wrote earlier, over 11,000 Kurds died fighting ISIS, 6 US troops did

As with your consistent airbrushing from history that the Soviets did most of the heavy lifting that won World War II, you jump to give credit to somebody who deserves no credit whatsoever

It is such a white Anglo-American right-wing thing to deny credit for those who actually did the fighting

And now it’s such a white Anglo-American right-wing thing to justify allowing those people be genocided

Is that because I don’t get all my news from the Daily Caller?

Saddened to see you on the side of the head choppers. And a Holocaust denier as well, tut, tut.

I see Trump blames the Kurds for ISIS prisoners going free

Isn’t it ironic, dontcha think?

Your exit strategy can’t involve the deaths of millions of innocent people pal.

What do the deaths of millions of innocent people matter when you can own the libs

So why aren’t the brave French and UK troops heading to Syria?

What you and others on this thread fail to realize is that the US no longer has a strategic interest in the ME. The EU imports over 50% of its oil and natural gas from Russia and the ME. Should the US continue to police the ME and control Russia so Europe can be secure?

Why would Americans vote for that when America is now energy independent. Sorry, you are on your own. It could be a cold winter.

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That’s all well and good but US interest and involvement in the ME since WWII has been about keeping the oil flowing. Nobody with a brain would deny that.

Who has been the major beneficiary of keeping the oil flowing? Europe. What would be the impact on Western Europe if the oil had stopped flowing? Or stopped flowing now.

Well maybe if they’d had more than 24 hours notice they might have been able to come up with a plan. The reason Trump is lying his ass off about discussing it with his allies is because he knows he’s done a bad thing.

Why would anyone ever be a US ally again? It’s the most dangerous thing you could ever be.

This reminds me of people washing their hands of the Jews in WW2.

They are happy enough to let the Kurds be massacred though

If what you said was true, the US would pull its support for Israel and the Saudis

That isn’t going to happen

It also doesn’t explain why the US is supporting a genocide in Yemen and threatening nuclear war on Iran

Russia currently controls the US government, pal

Perhaps you could tell us why you’re now fervently arguing against what you were arguing last week

You’re the chap that said the EU would fold like a cheap tent because German car manufacturers would intervene so that tariffs wouldn’t be imposed on the fraction of cars they export to the UK

Yet you think the Russians and the Saudis would suddenly turn off the taps


The US isn’t a proper democracy pal, it disenfranchises millions of voters just so the Republicans can win on a minority of the votes

It’s weird how you seem to support that

You might be better off asking why the US isn’t a proper democracy

You also seem to have no problems with the US waging a trade war it is clearly going to lose

You’ve been destroyed on the Israel topic before. I don’t have to repeat myself… There’s also zero historical evidence of a pogrom in Limerick… One loud mouth priest and a bit of a reaction… Jew’s lived in Limerick for years after…in the end the community was very small and they moved to Cork where there was a larger community.