Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

the US had no bidness going into Vietnam or any country sinceā€¦not to mind the discord and assassinations they have carried out all over the place.

The guy literally supports a genocide of Palestinians

He is on record as stating that Israel should take over the entirety of Palestine

He doesnā€™t ask where the Palestinians would go, presumably into the ground, or maybe ovens, like the Jews - a neater job, no doubt

The US has just implemented a policy in which it was warned that ISIS prisoners would escape en masse

Thatā€™s happening, and youā€™re defending it

You also support the USā€™s total support for the Saudi regime and made no comment on Trumpā€™s refusal to condemn the chopping up into small pieces of Jamal Khashoggi

Youā€™ve called the Saudi regime ā€œbenevolentā€

I really donā€™t think youā€™re in any position whatsoever to be accusing anybody else of supporting ā€œhead choppersā€, when itā€™s what you actually do yourself

All while spreading racist rhetoric against Muslims in general

Anyone who follows any kind of news at all is aware of some or more of many, many crimes against their own people by the Chinese rulers past and present, chief so try casting that nonsense line in another direction although Iā€™m sure someone will be along here soon enough.

So weā€™ve established now that you think anyone who has criticisms of human rights abuses should first criticise China then move on to whatever else they want.

Grand, but if weā€™re doing this shouldnā€™t there be a list so we know when itā€™s acceptable to criticise any place for human rights abuses in your book?

Fair play though, great deflection in the ME thread.

I disagree with Trump as well on this one, but when is the right time to pull troops from the region? Every Democratic candidate bar Biden wants to pull them immediately. The reality is there will always be one shower of murderous cunts ready and willing to inflict genocide on another shower of murderous cunts.

Itā€™s been over a week, why havenā€™t the French and UK etc gone in to defend the Kurds?

So, letā€™s summarize the opinions of TFKā€™s Jew hating club.

The Jews were wrong after the Second World War to seek a homeland after Europeans had slaughtered 6 million of their 8 million and another 1 million were chased out of every Arab country in the region and North Africa.

The Jews were wrong to accept the two state solution proposed by the UN in 1948 and wrong to defend themselves against another attempted genocide by five Arab nations.

The Jews have been wrong to defend themselves ever since, even when attacked by every neighboring Arab country. The lads firing rockets at civilians are the good guys.

The Jews should go to Alaska so Europeans donā€™t have to be reminded of their genocide against them. Arabs after all are the good guys, including all the Arab states that fucked out not just the Jews but the Palestinians.

Anything else?

Whatever about world politics which you know something about, you should really stay clear of economic issues which you know nothing about.

Itā€™s not a trade war, itā€™s a battle over IP and stopping China from stealing every other countryā€™s IP. When this war is won it will benefit Europe as well as the US. China is being hurt badly, their growth has stalled and manufacturers are fleeing to other countries like Vietnam. The US economy is still doing fine.

As for Europe, as @labane1917 predicted the Germans are folding, likely tonight or tomorrow. The German auto industry is contracting, partly because of Brexit uncertainty, they are screaming for a deal to be finalized.

Like the US you mean?

Would you appreciate a friend who you kindly gave the use of your car with a full tank of fuel returning it with the Fuel Light on?

What America has done to the Kurds is absolutely reprehensible. A disgusting act of treachery.


What has Trump just done to keep ISIS down if you donā€™t mind me asking?
Is letting Turkey ethnically cleanse the Kurds a practical ploy to contain/destroy ISIS or a clever plot to regenerate them?

Not as bad as John Denton.

Are you seriously suggesting if the US were there or not there it would make any difference to the insatiable desire for slaughter among the multitude of cunts in the region.

Why hasnā€™t the EU sent in the troops? Apparently the EU is the region that will be impacted most by another refugee crisis in Syria. They donā€™t seem to care much about the Kurds either.

Just for this alone, Trump should be impeached.

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ISIS has been reduced from controlling large parts of Iraq and Syria to an unarmed rabble living in detention camps. For ISIS to regroup someone would have to first rearm them.

Who do you think that might be?


The question ref the EU is bollocks.

The US could lean on Turkey and make them stop, they choose not to. Simple as that.
Trump & the US have turned the cheek.

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The US imposed economic sanctions on Turkey today, try and keep up.

The EU has no responsibility to prevent slaughter on its doorstep but the US has from the other side of the planet. Interesting.

Again this is nonsense and Iā€™m actually embarrassed by your line of thought & response.

The Kurds quietened ISIS, they actually lived up to their side of the deal. They are a race of people who in reality have morals and treat their population with respect whether male or female. They believe in equality.

You state Israel are correct to defend their patch of land, the Kurds deserved to be respected by their so called Allie.
Not drawn into a corner where theyā€™d be stoned to death by a despot such as that Turkish cunt.

A leader who is essentially running his Country no better than the Chinese you seem to constantly mention in the ME thread. Itā€™s laughable.

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The US rowed into the region, Europe did not.

Itā€™s great that after letting the Turks spunk their load that the yanks are now posting over condoms.

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Why isnā€™t the EU or NATO taking action against Turkey then? 27 members of NATO are in Europe.

If the Kurds are the good guys as you state Europe should go in and defend them. They wonā€™t though because Europe is now ran by soft cocks.

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Eh hello, European countries took part in the Iraq war, including the UK, and several European countries have been involved in the ME for the past century or more, long before the US.

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