Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Keep kicking the can, pal.

It’s not our can to kick any longer. Why should the US be the policeman for a region that it no longer has much strategic interest in?

Europe is totally dependent on Russia and the ME for energy. It is in Europe’s strategic interest to prevent a regional conflict which is becoming increasing likely.

That would require leadership though and there is currently none in Europe.

Go way to fuck, you’re a blow in.

Not our… :smile:

I’m a US citizen mate and proud of it.

It was nice of you to do that

I don’t think there’s anybody in it apart from yourself though


It always comes back to penises with right wing nut jobs

China is growing at three times the rate of the US and is steadily building soft power throughout the world

The US won’t be winning any “war” against China, it’s like bricks and mortal retail thinking it can compete against online

The hubris you display about the place of the US in the world is very reminiscent of that of the British 100 years ago

The days of the US as the sole world superpower are over - the days of US ever having genuine hard power ever again are over because they made a historical blunder in going into Iraq and have now made another one

Once a hard power’s hard power goes, soft power steadily follows

You talk about the EU having no leadership?!

As well as displaying a fundamental misunderstanding of what the EU is, you display a complete cluelessness about its everyday workings

Have you looked at your own country?

It literally doesn’t have a leader*, it’s run by a fucking criminal cabal :smile:

The US is the butt of the entire world’s jokes and will be until the criminal fool and his mob are driven out

The US over the last four decades is an object lesson in how to start to drive a major world power into decline, and quelle suprise, it’s been the insane Republican party that have been overwhelmingly to blame

The only thing that’s keeping the US going is immigration and growing ethnic diversity

But the 21st century will undoubtedly see a steady decline in the US’s power in the world

*Well, Putin, I guess


It’s really mad how you turn the self defence narrative completely upside down

I must rob my neighbour’s house and then batter them to death because the burglar is apparently the person with the right to self defence now, not the victim, at least according to you

At least I’ll be assured of your total support

That also reads like something you might have heard from the Shankill Butchers, had they given interviews

I wouldn’t have seen much difference between them going to Alaska and going to Asia, where they went?

Less people in Alaska, I suppose

I think they should have remained in Europe where they came from rather than being imposed en masse on the territory of another people against the will of that people

It sort of didn’t work in Ireland, did it

Perhaps you also believe that there should be an Islamic state in Andalusia, because it’s the exact same logic

I detect a strong note of sarcasm there

What you really think but didn’t have the guts to say because it would sound too obviously racist, is “Arabs are the bad guys”

That’s actually really, really racist

Just try and invert that there for a second and apply it to Africans or or Irish Jews and see how it sounds

Your problem is that you can’t be taken remotely seriously on anything as your worldview is completely driven by virulent racism

Mike Pence has negotiated a cease fire, he really is a tremendous diplomat


Cleaned out


Take it the rest of the way yourselves

Dexy’s Midnight Runners


Turkey getting everything they want, sanctions lifted and all.
The shart of the deal.

Yeah, “ceasefire”

The Brexiteers should get onto the Turks

They just got the real “easiest deal ever” out of Trump


He really is a fucking idiot

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Trump is starting to lose Republican support in key states like North Carolina. At this point I would say there is a greater than 50:50 chance he will not be the Republican candidate in 2020.

I’ll take evens on trump being republican candidate off you, thanks. You don’t have a clue