Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Whether Republicans decide to get rid of Trump depends entirely on whether his polling numbers drop down to something like 30%

It doesnā€™t depend on whether heā€™s a criminal - we already know he is - and Republicans are fine with that - as long as heā€™s popular

The problem is most of Trumpā€™s cronies have committed impeachable offences too, a whole string of them could feasibly go down, the rot of criminality runs extremely deep here, weā€™re basically talking about an organised crime syndicate

If Trumpā€™s poll numbers were to drop down to 30% or lower - and I donā€™t believe they will, the Republicans canā€™t credibly rig the election

There is a long way to run in this yet

The Democrats are so fucking impotent in their messaging however that I expect Trump to limp on and be the candidate, and if heā€™s the candidate, he could still ā€œwinā€, most likely by having the actual thing rigged in certain states

Whether Republicans decide to get rid of Trump depends entirely on whether he helps or hinders their individual chances of re-election to the House and Senate in 2020. With Independents starting to move on the impeachment question, the scale is starting to tilt from Trump helping to hindering. It is quite the quandary for Republicans though as Trumpā€™s base is very loyal and would likely sit out the election if he is forced out. It also raises the specter of him running as an Independent.

Looks like Trump has just taken out and killed Al Bag Daddy

I kinda like this guy*.

  • Forgive my ignorance on these matters if heā€™s just another terrorist of sortsā€¦

This will absolutely melt the conspiracy lads brains

It seems fairly obvious Russia is behind it

Theyā€™re behind most things these days

They would certainly be prime suspects alright

Saudi Arabia are not only hosting Joshua Ruiz but also a WGC event where they are paying millions to worlds top golfers just to show up. They have thrown money at UUCOAM Eddie Hearn to hold the fight there. They are also hosting Spanish super cup with Real Madrid, Barcelona etc in January. It seems like sports governing bodies are happy to ignore the many human rights violations and are now wanting to ā€œgrow their sportā€ in new markets. We havenā€™t seen such an abandonment of morals since the Irish rugby team toured South Africa during the apartheid but to be fair to them they didnā€™t have any morals. Itā€™s sickening to see.

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Do UNICEF still have a partnership with Barcelona? Shameful stuff

ā€œBut we can promote democracy and human rights through sportā€, blah blah blah

Golf in Saudi Arabia is the new Nelson Mandela, or something


Me hole

Five sentenced to exile in Longford.

The Iranians stirring a bit here??

The US has just killed some Iranian dude called Qaseem Soleimani who apparently is a very big deal

Region analysts, ie. Twitter peeps, are saying that this could lead to a US-Iran war or at least set Iraq ablaze with the US army and western people in Iraq becoming major targets of Shia militias

At least if thereā€™s a war against the US, which is not to be welcomed, Iran will have mass support on this forum, which is to be welcomed, being the considerable lesser of two evils as they are

What a strange place @Sidney has found himself, on the side of Rouhani, Assad, and Putin, who now apparently are the good guys after years of trying to convince us they are the bad guys.

Things are starting to simmer and could boil over very easily. Iran obviously feel that Russia have their back and possibly China as well (all three held military exercises together recently). Soleimani is a big fish, regarded as the single most important operative in the ME by the CIA, veteran of the Iran Iraq war, heavily involved with Assadā€™s forces in Syria, and the de facto leader of Hezbollah. This wonā€™t go down well in Tehran, their response will be interesting.

The lights are going to go out in Tehran.

He never saw that comingā€¦

Iran are pretty much on their own in the region. The Saudis and the Israelis will have signed off on this.