Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

The yanks are officially, at it again

the yanks will pay for this

i assume we are all behind Iran here?



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What will add an extra dimension to this as it ramps up is Iran’s cyber capability. It wouldn’t surprise me to see a major US utility taken offline over the next few days.

I’m blue. Ali D Ali Daei, Ali D Ali Daei


The anti-fascist posters are at least

I assume the pro-fascist posters are up for the Yanks

The Iranians are a great bunch of lads

The I, The R, The A, the N…

You cant spell Iran without IRA.

Signing in.

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The one good thing about Trump is that he does constantly expose the complete stupidity of his charlatan supporters

Just look at this thread

The gobshite who was telling us that the US shouldn’t get involved in wars now has now problem with starting one against Iran

That’s a position he has oscillated on numerous tiimes over the last three years, always to support what Trump does

Cult members do that sort of thing

Been reading a lot of coverage of this today. Experts seem extremely concerned, some have said its tantamount to declaring war on Iran and expect some fairly strong retaliation.

While he was a legitimate target in terms of being responsible for a number of attacks on US forces etc. They’ve had several opportunities to take him out but always decided against it due to the massive ramifications for the region that would follow.

At the low end the nuclear deal is fucked (was all but fucked anyway). Iran will step up its proxy wars in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, etc.

The Turks are already spoiling for a fight. Russia is only loving it and the Chinese will be happy out in the background.

The move seems to make little sense in the context of the US’s overall foreign policy. The Iranians have the capability to attack the US on multiple fronts without declaring all out war at best it will make the situation worse in Iraq and Syria. At worst it’ll be the start of a full scale war.

The fuse is lit, it may not be possible to put it out before it hits the powder keg

The US doesn’t have a foreign policy

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It’s a move to take the impeachment off the front pages. The Yanks have form for this carry on; didn’t Bill Clinton do the same, dropping bombs on Baghdad during the Lewinsky thing.

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Benny will be happy in Israel as well.

The first time Trump heard of this Soleimani chap was probably about 12 hours ago

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“The United States has targeted and killed a senior commander of an elite Iranian force in a strike at Baghdad Airport in Iraq”

The above simple sentence highlights a glaring question that hasn’t been answered in any of the articles I have read, @Julio_Geordio. What was a senior Iranian commander doing in Iraq?

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Whatever the fuck he wanted. Iran is pretty much in charge of large parts of Iraq. Ergo, Russia has a big stake there.
Any Americans going abroad now should seriously reconsider their travel plans.

I bow to your greater knowledge. I thought they still hated one another since the Iran/Iraq war of the '80s.