Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Leading the fight against ISIL

Besties now, with a common hatred of the Yank.
Lots of militia types in Iraq backed by Tehran.

It’s more about Sunni v Shia than countries.

Aren’t they both Shia majority countries?

Yes but Saddams crowd were Sunnis. A minority ruling over the majority Shias. That’s where the pivot has come about

Something here doesn’t stack up . I sense a conspiracy .

Most of the Arab world plus Israel and the US are aligned now in opposition to Iran. They must feel they can take Iran out. Good luck with that.

This is like a dog owner giving a slap across the snout to a dog that tried to bite the hand that feeds.

The Iranians will in Conor McGregor parlance “do nawthin”

They’ll have a very angry funeral


Most of the Arab world would prefer not to get involved. The Saudi’s are a complete joke, hiring poor mecernaries from whatever country to do their fighting (Yemen’s going so well), spending billions on US hardware to ensure US protection and then mothballing their toys. The Israelis are just mental.
Iran has massive internal problems, a failing economy, huge youth unemployment etc etc. But something like a US strike against them has the great ability to unite them.
Pretty fucking dumb really.

This chap was whacked at an Iraqi airport , now call me an aul cynic but how did the yanks know all the details etc.( I am aware of intelligence etc ) but something doesn’t stack . Did elements within Iran want him gone ?

This article is worth a read to see the names involved in what the Iran/Syria vs US conflict all boils down to. A fair D’Arcy of cunts here:


Trump is so SMRT

Citizens should not approach the embassy.

IN SEPTEMBER 2015, then-Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump appeared on the syndicated radio show of conservative media star, Hugh Hewitt, to talk foreign policy.

“Are you familiar with General Suleimani?” Hewitt asked the real estate mogul from Queens.

Yes,” said Trump, before hesitating. “Go ahead, give me a little … tell me.”

When Hewitt told Trump that Suleimani “runs the Quds Forces,” Trump responded: “I think the Kurds, by the way, have been horribly mistreated by us.”

“No, not the Kurds, the Quds Forces,” Hewitt interjected. “The Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Quds Forces. The bad guys.”

“I thought you said Kurds,” a sheepish Trump replied.

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What a strange lot leftists are. Those fighting for democracy in Iran, thousands of whom have been slaughtered by their brutal fascist regime, are applauding the assassination of this evil monster Soleimani. As are all freedom lovers and feminists in the region who want to see an end to 7th century oppression.

Meanwhile in the insane minds of “woke” leftists in the west, Islamic terrorists backed by Putin are the good guys. Here’s the female version of @Sidney who also thinks Iran and Russia are the good guys.

You simply couldn’t make it up.


Nobody cares what you think, mate

That’s because you’re a simpleton

I think we all know who the simpleton is mate, someone who claims to be a liberal but yet supports Islamic terrorists and now finds himself on the same side as Putin.

The left are batshit crazy.


I see Tulsi “no more regime change wars” Gabbard has gone completely silent

Like, of all the incidents that have happened in her time in politics that have justified rhetoric against insane regime change wars, this is it

And she suddenly says nothing

That’s very easy to understand

It’s because it’s fucking obvious she’s running interference on behalf of Trump, Putin, Modi and international fascism in general

I’d say she’ll announce a spolier run for the presidency around about July, probably the weekend of the Democratic convention

That’s mental