Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Hi, m8

Nobody cares what you think about anything

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Hereā€™s how sane people see the killing of Soleimaniā€¦^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1212940323841859584&

This week @anon7035031 is pro-war

Last week he was anti-war

The week before that he was pro-war

The week before that he was anti-war

The week before that he was pro-war

You literally couldnā€™t make this shit up :grin:

I thought the lads here were just joking ā€¦ your man was a known murderer and terroristā€¦ heā€™s no loss. But you also cant deny the ME is where itā€™s at in part because of US interference for years. The ME is an absolute hole and I dont think anyone would mourn greatly if the whole region was wiped outā€¦ but the US created Iran, the taliban, the IS and countless other shite-hawks. Thereā€™s as much blood on their hands as anyone.

The threat of war is sometimes necessary, itā€™s a pity Neville Chamberlain for example didnā€™t have more balls in the 1930s. Like your hero Jeremy Corbyn, you think Islamic terrorism should be appeased, and fascist groups like Hezbollah are the good guys, the friends of the west. Even though they are backed by Putin and support Assad.

Iran has been getting increasingly aggressive in the region and obviously feel with the backing of Putin they can do what they like. This was a necessary action to remind them that may not be the case.

Skip to 5:00 :flushed:

Lads, Hillary Clinton was the real danger, she would have attacked Iran

Gas now to see the eejits who supported Trump and claimed they didnā€™t support the Iraq War now justifying the Iraq War

Suppose thatā€™s the sort of thing that happens when you sign up for a cult in order to try and make up for an inability to think

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Yes, Iā€™d agree with most of that, but we are where we are. Like it or not the western world has been completely dependent on ME oil for more than a century. Iran, backed by Russia and probably China, now feel emboldened to take on a leadership role in the region and have been getting more aggressive in recent months. Anyone even remotely interested in democracy should oppose this, given the regime in power in Iran and what that regime would be like if they had broader power.

Anyone in Europe remotely interested in maintaining standards of living there should also be worried about what a Iranian/Russian controlled ME would mean for Europe.

Trump is a bad man who has blood on his hands

According to Trumpā€™s logic, Trump, anybody in the US government and anybody in a government of any of its close allies is now a legitimate target

Luckily that rules out anybody in the EU

Kim Jong Un will have taken notice that the US can hit anybody anywhere at the time it chooses with the most surgical of strikes.

Heā€™ll fall the fuck into line accordingly.

Sometimes a display of military strength is needed to send a message to lads who start attacking US interests.


Itā€™s actually comical to see Iraq War logic being taken here

Other posters are doing a great job of proving my points

Youā€™re talking to a lad who fights fascism 24/7 from behind his keyboard.


No, Iā€™m just not a fascist and hate fascism and I post my views accordingly

You actually love it, and you post your views accordingly

Iran is an ally of Russia and Trump is in Russiaā€™s pocket so presumably Putin has ordered this attack on Iran for his own purposes.

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False equivalence at itā€™s finest.

Iraq was no threat to the US or Europe, the Iraq war was a huge miscalculation. Iran (with Russian support) represent a serious threat, especially to Europe.

Your defense of Islamist terrorism and Putin is appalling, but thatā€™s where Corbynā€™s disciples have found themselves.

Itā€™s literally the exact same logic

You have the patent on false equivalence

I use equivalence where it is relevant

You use it to apologise and legitimise fascism