Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Will we go halves on a bomb shelter in case the auld nukes are wired wrong in the middle East

Iran isn’t governed by insane hotheaded zealots like the US

It is governed by adults

It waits and then gets its revenge nice and cold

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I’ve heard of worse ideas I suppose.

I’ll try DoneDeal and you see can you get a price from a few lads. LG TVs will not be allowed into the bomb shelter for obvious reasons.

Grand. You sort out the iptv subscription. Ill bring a few tubs of Pringles and a deck of cards

They are already completely mental, have you read the public pronouncements from their regime?

Iranians by and large are grand people, and desire democracy and freedom just like most normal people. It would be doing them an enormous favor to remove the religious headcases in power, but not worth losing lives over.

@Sidney giving his views on the complexities of Middle Eastern politics



Trump cant do anything right . Boosting the American economy. Securing Americas borders. Taking out ISIS leaders . Taking out Iranian murdering generals. I think his the finest president that ever stepped foot in office . Long may he reign.

The Yanks don’t have the stomach for the Iranians.


They can’t manage the wars they’ve already gotten themselves into

All those trans fats

Israel on the other hand might have what it takes to land grab them .

Israel are shitting themselves.

Iran treats its Jewish population better than the Yanks do

Hardly surprising when the US is in the grip of fascism

They are less anti Semitic than Corbyn

Ahh doubt that man . They have nuclear warheads .

Corbyn is probably the biggest friend and defender of the Jewish community in UK politics

The current UK regime on the other hand is instutitionally anti-Semitic and highly racist in general

They’re only in the ha’penny place compared to the Yanks though

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I suppose that explains why there are 8 million Jews in the US and 15,000 in Iran.

Fuck Iran . The towel headed murderers…

Up Trump.

Up America.

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No, you’re resorting to crude reductionism

Pretty much all the Jews who are in the US now were there before the current anti-Semitic Trump regime

Incidentally, the US turned back boatloads of Jewish refugees, many of whom were subsequently genocided in the Holocaust

That’s your immigration ideology in action right there

Unsurprising after you made a pro-Holocaust post on another thread earlier today