Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread


Iran will respond and escalate.

Trump is saying the right thing, that this lad was planning attacks on Americans, that’s all that Trump can say, but why were either the Americans or the Iranians in Iraq?

Iran will probably say the exact same thing in retaliation - these Americans were planning attacks on Iranians.

Is Iran really much more of a terrorist state than the US? It’s arguable. It’s definitely less of a terrorist state than Saudi Arabia. The Iranian narrative, that they were going to sign a nuclear deal with Obama and Trump maliciously destroyed it out of spite, is basically correct. America is deliberately and maliciously sabotaging their economy for no real reason. They’re not more Islamic or terrorist than the Saudis. Suleimani seems to have been a terrorist but the US has plenty of terrorist friends.

Jews have always been welcome in the US, unlike in Europe where a genocide was committed against them, and would be committed today if loons like yourself had their way.

There are 8 million Jews in the US and over 10 million if you include the enlarged population. That’s almost double the number of Jews that live in Israel and almost 20x the number that live in the next nearest country (France).

I think it’s fairly well established where Jews feel welcome, and unwelcome.

You’ve phrased that wrong there

How is it any more of a terrorist state than the US?

The only explanation one could give to back up such an assertion would be “Iran is evil and the US are the good guys, yeaaaaahhhhh”

Which would obviously be bollocks and would only be uttered by somebody with a worldview completely and utterly based on race hatred

But hey, that’s the type of childlike, simplistic worldviews one has to deal with as regards certain posters on this forum

Where will Iran strike? I really believe their first major offensive against the Americans will be a cyber one. Watch out for any power cuts in American states over the next few days. It’s also an area where it might be easier for Iranian allies to provide support to them, by giving over backdoors to systems or providing tools to attack them.

The Americans would probably be more scared of that than anything. Military combat in foreign countries generates profit for the stockexchange but disruption to domestic business doesn’t.

I’d love if they dropped a few bombs on those cowardly Saudi cunts

Can the two of ye not just ignore each other ffs. Every thread dragged into shite boring arguments.


Theres no equivalence ffs. Labane is an educated man who lives in america so has that perspective to add. On the other side. Well…

The Americans have always been bitter that the Iranian revolutionaries humiliated them and sent them home with their tea in a mug.


You’re right, it really takes away from hundreds of posts on the merits of the latest phenom Limerick junior footballer.

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I’m sure that sounded funny in your head.

Stay the fuck out of that thread.


Thick Yanks have always poked their noses in where they aren’t wanted

It’s what defines them as a people

You can fuck off too.

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I won’t be fucking off anywhere, thanks

This forum needs me and it needs my quality geopolitical analysis

Otherwise it will just turn into an echo chamber of curmudegeonly, misogynist fascism and that’s not what our founding fathers intended


Do whatever pleases you, as long as it isn’t in the Limerick GAA thread.

You better believe it.

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