Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Sure we all know that, ffs

Who are these posters and where have they said this?

Or, as usual, are you just making stuff again when you’re caught out talking shite?

Why can you not just bring yourself to admit, without any caveats, that the Soviet Union’s defeat of the Nazis in World War II was a good thing?

Who said otherwise?

I see Pence has claimed on Twitter that this Soleimani guy was involved in September 11th while getting the most basic facts about September 11th itself wrong

Goebbels level stuff, although you could very reasonably say that about most things the current US regime comes out with

2020 is the most important year for the US since 1941 at least

If this regime of crackpots, despots and criminal kleptocrats is not removed and its leaders preferably locked up for the rest of their lives, it’s over for democracy and the prospect of any sort of reasonable society in the US, certainly for a generation or two


Gung ho nation and won’t it won’t be allowed to change that attitude for along time if ever

How do you say ‘hello world’ in farsi?


I throughly enjoy trump and Boris for the simple fact they wind up middle class arseholes no end.

You’re middle class.

I’m upper class.

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Experts such as @TreatyStones

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Nov. 23rd

cc @mickee321

Johnny has spoken. Its time to listen.



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Ah lads :joy:

He’s right about him uprooting ISIS tho.

“Johnny” needs to be heeded here boys :sunglasses:



One for the never happened thread me thinks