Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

I think I’ll use that :rofl:

I’ve said consistently for the last four years that the notion of the US right including Trump and his supporters being anti-war in any way was a total fraud

They have always been warmongers

There are people here that actually believed that they are anti-war

These people are also known as fodder for poor quality used car salespeople

The following is the type of stupidity we are dealing with

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What a moronic poll.


Interesting that @TheUlteriorMotive is now claiming to be an expert on Middle Eastern affairs and international geopolitics despite not making a single post of note on these subjects in his entire time on this forum

It’s like my next door neighbour’s dog claiming to be an expert on oncology

It’s not moronic at all

It skilfully exposes the moronicism of moronic Americans, who are indeed moronic

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It’s a moronic question to ask designed to make people look stupid. I’d imagine you could ask a similar question in BBC Ireland and get a similar response.

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Polling is designed to ascertain people’s opinons

30% of Republican primary voters are of the opinion that the US should bomb a fictional country

In other words, they are total morons

It’s not moronic to establish that other people are morons

It’s very sensible

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This is not the slopes of ibrox park

More utter stupidity from the forum’s premier simpleton. We should have a simpleton of the year award and call it Sid’s award.

The same number of Americans favor military action against Iran to stop them acquiring a nuclear weapon as was the case in 2007. 18% favor military action, 25% of Republicans and 11% of Democrats. 78% favor economic pressure/diplomacy, 72% of Republicans and 86% Democrats. You statement is simply hyperbole, like most of what you write. There is very little support in the US for an all out war, although a surgical strike like Soleimani to curb Iranian aggression would have support.

Military action does not necessarily mean war. When Iran bombed Saudi oil refineries recently, that was an act of war, and the US did not retaliate. Attacks on commercial shipping in the gulf did not result in retaliation. It is now clear that this administration will only respond to attacks on US personnel such as happened recently.

If Iran responds aggressively (they won’t), this will play out very simply and very quickly. There are three major refineries in Iran, processing 2.4 million barrels of oil per day. All three will be gone in a few nights and with them essentially go the entire Iranian economy, and the regime shortly afterwards when the economy collapses.

The US knows this, Iran knows this, Russia knows this, that’s why there won’t be a war.


SF / IRA lads busy on social media.

Nobody read that, mate, copying and pasting from some right-wing blog isn’t an argument, and you didn’t even debate the point you replied to

Dumb as several rocks

The US is a terrorist state

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The US is the only country standing in the way of Iran backed by Russia taking over the Middle East. The Saudis wouldn’t last a month against Iran backed by Russia. Some on this forum thing that would be a good thing, and have Russia control most of the energy supply to Europe. What could possibly go wrong?

It’s fascinating that so called liberals like @Sidney actually favor a fundamentalist Islamic state over democracy, which of course reveals their true nature. It’s not so odd in @Cicero_Dandi’s case as he favors a Catholic fundamentalist state. They clearly want to be ruled by a dictator, they want women treated like dogs, they want gays executed. This is Iran today and what an Iranian controlled ME would be like.


What’s untrue in those pics?

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Your point (as always) was incorrect.

The Saudis are a horrid, horrid bunch.

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Agreed, but other than the proxy war in Yemen they are not aggressively supporting terrorism throughout the region and have started to develop a relationship with Israel which is to be welcomed. The first positive step for the crazies in the ME is to accept Israel has the right to exist, Iran could lead the way here but do the opposite.

A proxy war which has caused famine and displacement of millions. Shower of cunts