Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

@anon7035031 is still seething because I correctly pointed out that Barack Obama signed a perfectly good deal with Iran which was ripped by the moron Trump for no other reason than it had Obamaā€™s name on it

Under Obama US-Iran relations were as good as they had been in living memory

The neo-con moron Trump has been threatening war for the last three years and now it seems like he might have it, putting thousands of US citizens in Iraq at risk, with no way out

What a moron

The Republican party is an end times cult in which intellectualism is shunned in favour of imagined penis size

Appeasement of fascist dictators does not work Neville. I think I recall you lecturing on this topic once or twice.

Since the agreement with Iran was signed, Iran has got much more aggressive in the region, in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Clearly they want to control the region with Russian backing. Obviously for all your bluster you think Assad and Putin are the good guys, and Islamic fascism is preferred over democracy.

American is the only country standing in the way of a totalitarian regime in the entire ME, with the genocide of the gulf states and Israel. Which is of course what you desire.

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The creation of Israel caused most of this bollix in the first place.

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Itā€™s too late to unwind that clock. The Israelis are going nowhere, those surrounding them need to give up 7th century ideology and learn to live in peace with their neighbors. A million Arabs living in Israel have learned this fascinating concept of accepting people who are different to you.

Iā€™ve never called for the appeasement of fascists

I mean Iā€™ve been consistently intolerant of the fascism of Trump - and thatā€™s just one obvious example

Whereas you were outspoken in your support for Trump and his fascism and have been vocal in support of European and Brazilian fascists

You call the Saudi regime benevolent

You only make yourself look very foolish when you use the word ā€œlectureā€, you need to try and stop using such childlike language to create a faux sense of confidence in yourself when you know youā€™re out of your depth in this discussion

The US is a terrorist state and has proven history of such against Iran - deliberately shooting down 290 innocent civilians in 1988

The Iran deal was an excellent deal and brought stability to the region - well done Obama, what a shame somebody with such intellect, diplomatic skills and international respect is no longer president - the current moron has none of that

Last week you were telling us that the US had no business in the middle east

Now you say the opposite

The week before that you were saying something different altogether

Your ā€œopinionsā€ change on a pretty much weekly or even daily basis

Thatā€™s what happens when you copy and paste gibberish from crackpot rigtwing conspiracy theorist blogs

In other words, you donā€™t know your rectum from your elbow

For your information, your rectum is what you speak out of

The Jews are basing tbeir right to a homeland on the writings of the 1st testament, much older than the 7th century.


The fact you think the US government is fascist but the Iranian government is not fascist tells us all we need to know about you.

Like your hero Jeremy Corbyn you hate the freedoms enjoyed by those of us fortunate enough to live in Western democracies and pine for totalitarianism. The US are the bad guys, the Soviet Union, China and Venezuela the good guys.

Well guess what fruitcake, your fellow nutcase in the UK was rejected, and if Democrats make the same mistake of running a socialist nutter in Nov 2020, they will be rejected too.

I would actually like to see the US withdraw from the ME, as the US is energy independent and doesnā€™t need ME oil. The result of the US leaving would be Iran backed by Russia taking over the region. Do you think Europe would stop this? Even though itā€™s the populations in western Europe that would suffer.

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And the arch hypocrite supports that unconditionally

You couldnā€™t make it up

So the Jews should leave Israel then? Where should they go?

Israel is the size of Munster, in a vast region. It is also the only civilized country in the region where those of other faiths or no faith are safe, where gays are safe, etc. Jews are hated by Arabs not because of economic reasons or geography, they are hated out of pure racism (actual racism, like wanting to exterminate them, rather than serving them Ribena by mistake).


The US government exhibits pretty much every key sign of fascism in spades

You know nothing about fascism and nothing about the country you live in

The fact that I, a forum poster who has never been to the US (I donā€™t have much interest in going either, itā€™s a horrible shithole, especially the parts that vote Republican) knows more about both the US and facism drives you mental

That inferiourity complex has been written all over your posts since you spectacularly misunderstood what Trump was while I correctly identified what he was all about straight away

Iā€™ve been proven utterly correct and youā€™ve been proven utterly wrong, at every stage

Time to get over it, pet, itā€™s only the INTERNET

Sadly thatā€™s not the case for the US and the victims of Trumpā€™s fascism

Hopefully the first of many such attacks

Bomb the shit out of the imperialist, fascist coloniser in the same way the Brits were bombed out of it at Warrenpoint

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Hopefully when we wake up tomorrow morning God will have wriitten back telling everybody what to do about these nutters

Doubt it though

We donā€™t want you in the US, we have enough nutters as it is.

Many US cities are shitholes (like the city you come from), they all vote Democrat and are run by ā€œprogressiveā€ Democrats. The most beautiful parts of the US and the best places to live are where you find moderate Democrats like myself or Republicans. Those are the facts but keep living in fantasyland.

Leftist fruitcakes like yourself need to be constantly exposed for their utter bullshit.

The US is a shithole, mate

The place is crumbling because of decades of consistent financial mismanagement by right-wing idiots

But all the best places in it vote Democrat

Well thatā€™s just simply untrue

Where are these ā€œbest placesā€.

List them so we can have a good laugh.

Outside of taking sides in the Yemeni Civil war, where are the Saudis actively supporting terrorism?

Syria? Lebanon? Libya? Iraq? Launching missiles into Israel?

New York, Boston, San Francisco, pretty much all the cities, pretty much all the places which vote Democrat

People in places which vote Republican tend to marry their first cousins and have sex with dogs

A bit like rural Galway

Backward shitholes, in other words

Oh here we go

The Saudis are great, apparently

You can read this eejit like a book

A walking cliche