Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Join a union, mate

Get some self respect

It might help you from being so exploited

And you mightn’t have to live in huts in British Columbia or sub-standard flats in Mulhaddart with no running water and dangerous wiring

There are about 50 references there mate. You are flailing now. It’s okay to be wrong mate. I hate to think it’s ruined your Saturday

The Galway Nazi clique never really thought through their stance on Saudi Arabia

@anon7035031 loves the Saudis
@maroonandwhite wants to go to war with them

It would be terrible if this split the Nazi clique apart

San Francisco’s budget for 2019 is $12.3 billion, up 11% from 2019. That’s about $15k for every man, woman and child living in the city, and spending is massively biased towards the poor and homeless.
It’s not a funding problem.

Nothing could ruin this Saturday mate, this is the day Brady throws his last pass (not le chien @anon61878697).

Do you honestly believe the Saudi government are a bigger threat to stability in the ME and to Europe than Iran backed by Russia. Careful now or you will find yourself in the Sid/Cicero camp.

It’s the US, not Iran, that is in Russia’s pocket

Saudi Arabia isn’t just a threat to Middle East stability, it’s a threat to world stability and has been for decades

Iran is demonstarably a more stable force than either the Saudis or the US

Iran isn’t run by crackpots, for a start

You should go to the next riot in Tehran to test out that theory.

I’m not a fan of the ideology of the Iranian regime

But crackpots they aren’t, they are stable and smart individuals with a real strategy

The US has no strategy whatsoever and Trump has purged any sensible people within the regime

It is a crackpot and unstable theocracy

Russia’s main foreign policy goal was to completely discredit the US as a foreign policy actor by getting a moron installed

It has been completely successful

Since 2003, the US has completely discredited itself as a foreign policy actor under two crackpot Republican regimes, and despite the best efforts of Obama

So, to summarize your stance, the US is a crackpot theocracy and Iran is a stable secular democracy.

Got it.


Would you believe I know a fella who went out with Rose McGowan several years ago. He described her as totally off her rocker but great in the sack. The craziness got too much for him for a finish.


Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed!

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No, the US is a crackpot theocracy with some democratic elements which the regime hates and wants to suppress, and Iran is a more stable theocracy than the US, with some democratic elements, for one a presidential election which is run in a freer and fairer manner than the US’s one

Iran’s more stable nature is down to its leadership not being made up of crackpots, whereas the one in Washington is

The calibre of Iran’s leadership is superior to the US’s

To be fair that wouldn’t be hard - the calibre of Ballyshitballscross’s town council is superior to the US’s leadership

Who else thought of @Sidney

I’ve just thrown up in my mouth.

Would explain your brain damage I suppose, cuts off the oxygen

You peeling a Satsuma before you retire upstairs?

They are all cunts mate. The US shouldn’t be aligned with any of them, but then again the US are cunts too

No pal, but clearly you are

Your mistake was in not peeling it before you threw it back it up

So, 3137 posts into this thread, and still the imperial fetishists haven’t got beyond the childlike simplicity of “US good, Muslims bad”

That’s right-wing ideology in a nutshell for you

Give me an example or two of this US theocracy you speak of? I’ve lived in the US for decades and have never come across any, but I’m sure you can enlighten me. Separation of church and state is firmly enshrined in then constitution, unlike the Islamic hellholes you appear to favor.

How about comparing the rights of gays in the US versus Iran (or Saudi), that’s a good example. Or women’s rights. Fire away, but try and make it better than your best places to live argument.

I just linked to one some posts back, mate

Have a look for it

The Republican Party is controlled by batshit crazy evangelicals

If you lived in the US you might know this

Sadly you don’t read, so are completely unaware of it