Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Tom brady votes Republican.

The US is aligned with those who support capitalism, the economic system that has brought and continues to bring better living standards to the global population.

Tom Brady wears Ugg boots

The US carpet bombed Cambodia into smithereens and enabled the rise of the Khmer Rouge

The person whose brainchild that was, Henry Kissinger, still has an advisory role in the current US regime

No mate, an example of theocracy that effects peopleā€™s lives.

Would you prefer to be a woman living in Iran or the US?

Would you prefer to be a gay living in Iran or the US?

Youā€™ve literally just completely evaded the point

Iā€™d prefer to be gay in Iran. Bit of an edge to it

Nope, you are dealing in hysteria rather than reality as usual.

Give me an example of US theocracy that actually impacts peopleā€™s lives.

Well if you fancy having your head bashed in with an iron pole I suppose.

Iā€™d certianly prefer to be trans in Iran than in the US given that Iran carries out more gender reassignment surgeries than any other country than Thailand and the government there enshrines trans rights more than in the US

The US Republican party hates the gays, but then again it is an evangelical cult

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Edge of an axe.

At least brady doesnā€™t creep around women . And biden was

Because that would never happen in the US, or something

And youā€™d certainly never get shot in a supermarket in the US by a far right nut job on the rampage, or is that Iran, oh wait, that is the US, isnā€™t it

I suppose another good thing about Iran is that its president isnā€™t a paedophile, unlike the US :grin:

[quote=ā€œSidney, post:3193, topic:17410ā€]
Iā€™d certianly prefer to be trans in Iran than in the US given that Iran carries out more gender reassignment surgeries than any other country than Thailand and the government there enshrines trans rights more than in the US

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Harry isnā€™t trans, mate, much as you obviously want to fantasise about such

Again, youā€™ve just completely evaded the point

You always do that

Explain @Sidney why you like him so much and you want him in charge of America
Explain yourself ?

And I think if I was Sigmund fuckinā€™ Freud I wouldnā€™t get an answer.

The US bombing fetishists have responded to the point about the US president being a paedophile by illustrating that his possible challenger has a problem sexually harassing women :grin:

Think weā€™re all safer leaving the lads in uggs run the US