Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Couldn’t do any worse than the current incumbent to be fair

It’s very funny watching @anon7035031 pretend that he had any notion who Suleimani was before the US killed him. The same people saying that he was planning attacks against Americans are the same people now saying that he planned 9/11.


We’ve now established that the Islamists are great lads because they lead the world in chopping off sex organs. I suppose it was an easy transition from other limbs.

That’s a given

But it’s not as if the actual US president had a notion either

The cunt didn’t even know the difference between Quds and Kurds

His deputy doesn’t even know how many hijackers were involved in 9/11

There are rocks in Galway who are less dumb

I’m well aware of who he was mate, and it wasn’t just Americans he killed or was responsible for killing.

We established long ago that you literally think anybody who doesn’t support the US going to war in the Middle East whenever it pleases is an Islamist

That is literally what you believe

When children get past three years of age, they generally develop a mental capacity greater than children of three years of age

Unfortunately your mental capacity stopped dead somewhere in your fourth year and never advanced any further

Did ye see the pictures of the missile strike ???


Yeah, you are now, mate

But then you’re possibly also aware Marian Finucane died

Who’s she mate?

Ah, I see your knowledge of that story is the same as your knowledge of the existence of Soleimani :grin:

We’d already guessed, mate, we’d already guessed

Persian women are unrale, on a more serious point - Iranian people were a far more advanced society than the Arabic lads pissing around deserts in the Sahara on camels pre Oil. Its religious sects that have the world fucked up especially in the ME. Fundamentalist or extreme relegious beliefs should be frowned upon - thats what needs changing first.


I fucking love you guys.


Rising stars: Twenty faces to look out for in 2020

Below is an excerpt from an article published two days ago in the Times. Amazing timing.

This will be the year in which a slight, grey-haired general will cement his reputation as the Machiavelli of the Middle East — or prove that even the smartest operators can suffer hubris (Richard Spencer writes).

A decade ago, Qassem Soleimani was already known to intelligence agencies as the guiding force of Iran’s cross-border operations. He was the link man to Hezbollah in Lebanon and it was he who masterminded the strategy whereby a “resistance” movement based on Shia militias bombed and shot British and American troops out of Iraq.

Now his movements are well-signalled. As head of the al-Quds Force, the overseas arm of the Revolutionary Guard, he backs militia leaders across the Levant and Yemen, and even poses for selfies with them.

Deftly reacting to the Syrian war, American uncertainty and the conflict against Isis, he has established Iran’s long-held dream of a land corridor from Tehran to the Mediterranean, controlled by loyal militias.

But he is experiencing resistance. Popular protests in Lebanon and Iraq may not have been hostile to Iran when they began but, seeing them as a threat, Major-General Soleimani has taken action. He has been to Baghdad at least twice, summoned militia leaders and pro-Iran politicians, and ordered them to stand firm. In Lebanon, where Iran’s ally Hezbollah has tried to market itself as a nationalist force, he has been more subtle.

A recent opinion poll, though, suggested that Hezbollah had lost support rapidly from the Christian and Sunni communities, even as more of Iraq’s Shia population turn against Iran.

If General Soleimani can hold the line, he will have shown he deserves the trust of Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

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Didn’t Obama’s administration kill thousands of civilians with the drone programme? Males of a certain age were counted as combatants until they were cleared posthumously. This is not a Democrat or Republican thing.

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American policy towards the Middle East has been fucked up since 1979. Washington regardless of administration hasn’t a notion of the mindset of the region. Allah and doing Allah’s will is all that really matters, everything else is secondary.

Trump has killed way way more

Killed more ISIS members for sure, but civilians?

Trump stopped publishing figures

As dictators do

So what are your claims based on?

Imaginary numbers?

The difference between Obama’s strategy and Trump’s strategy is Obama and his state department wanted to micromanage everything. They used enormous resources to track down terrorist leaders and then wiped out whole villages to kill them. Trump just gave a green light to the general who went after combatants and wiped out tens of thousands of them.