Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Sure you’re the type of person that would have been denying the Holocaust in 1943

Trump has lowered the threahsold of evidence needed for drone strikes

He has dramatically ramped them up and has stopped publishing figures

You work it out

TO THE DEGREE that we can say what Trump has done with his power, it is exactly what you would expect. He has formally lowered the necessary threshold of evidence needed to justify drone strikes. The Air Force received a 63 percent increase in Hellfire missiles, the main weapon used by drones, in Trump’s 2017 budget.

Through executive order, Trump has made drone strikes less transparent by eliminating an Obama-era mandate that compelled the Defense Department to report its civilian death toll estimate every year. The New York Times described this as a move that increases “the secrecy that cloaks one of the most contentious aspects of the fight against terrorists.”

What we do know is that the Bureau of Investigative Journalism estimates that the U.S. carried out about 1,000 airstrikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen in 2016 — that is, strikes by both drones and manned aircraft. So far in 2019, they believe that the U.S. has conducted 5,425 airstrikes, five times as many. In the month of September, the U.S. upped the pace to almost 40 airstrikes per day.

Yes but ISIS wiped out. You’ve no idea how many civilians died, nor do I. Personally I don’t care whether the dead were ISIS members or those that supported and aided them

It was Obama that put in the place the structure to wipe ISIS out

Trump did effectively nothing

In fact if you really want to credit somebody for wiping out ISIS, it’s the likes of Soleimani, he did far more to wipe out ISIS than Trump ever did

And the ideology is not wiped out

Trump is the greatest recruiting sergeant there is for both Islamist terror ie. ISIS ideology and perfectly legitimate uprising against US presence as in Iraq, same as Bush was in his time

No difference

He has made a declaration of war on Iran and the US cannot complain whenever it feels a backlash, because Iran is comfortably the lesser of two evils here

Ah here, you’re mad as a hatter mate.

You’d only think that if your view of the world was based on a sort Rambo-type Hollywood understanding

It is, so that’s how you think, and ssadly most Americans have the same sort of understanding

Iran has far from clean hands but the US’s are caked in shit

I didn’t even mention the one place they were wanted and needed, which was as a buffer between the Kurds and the Turks, and how Trump stabbed the Kurds in the back

The US’s carry on in the region for many decades and especially under this regime and the last Republlican regime simply cannot be defended

They have been a total disgrace to humanity and still gullible fools like you think they’re “the good guy” because of a child-like Hollywood understanding

Here’s well known Islamist Peter Beinart

Clearly a crackpot, or something

And here’s an essential truth

This is a very exciting prospect. Russia and Iran have far more integrity than the USA and the rest of the headbangers in the middle east.

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So what you’re saying is that the Obama administration killed lots of civilians too? 2 cheeks etc.

Is there a new edition U.S military deck of cards in the offing?

Trump says US ‘targeting’ 52 sites in Iran as tension mounts

It’s symbolic. There were 52 US hostages in the embassy in Tehran.

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Some turnout for the funeral procession

The Iranians must be sitting around going, I can think of 46 how many have you got?

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Some lads claiming to be Iranian Hackers were busy overnight I see.

The website of the Federal Depository Library Program. That will surely grind the U.S to halt alright.

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@StoneCold thinks the Nazis and those who fought the Nazis were equivalent

A lot of things are becoming clear about posters on this forum

Stop projecting mate I did no such thing. Can you not admit that Obama killed civilians by the hundreds through drone strikes?

FWIW, I condemn all interference by America in the Middle East, be it by Republicans or Democrats and wish they would just get out of the region.

Good, if old, article here by Robert Kennedy here which I based my opinions off.

And they say we love a good funeral :smirk:

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Of course Obama’s drone strikes killed civilians and that was disgraceful

Still chicken feed compared to Trump

It isn’t people who thought Obama was a flawed but on the whole decent man and decent enough president that have the cognitive dissonance

It’s the Trump cultists who claimed to be anti-war and have turned out to be blood thirsty savages who actively want war, it was always obvious that’s what they were

And when that’s pointed out on this forum, the usual suspects squeal like babies