Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Obama was a cunt. He tried to poison the town of Flint by pretending to drink their water to show it was ok


You sound nuts m8

Stop reading Gemtrails

I got the information from Michael Moore mate, heā€™s as left wing as you can get

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Mate, itā€™s just that when you say ā€œObama tried to poison the town of Flintā€ you come across like Gemtrails

I remember that . Kids drinking the water then and it full of lead .

Ok, Obama pretended to drink poisoned water in order to make people think it wasnā€™t poisoned. Is that better?

Iā€™m starting to think that Obama was the greatest WUM of all time. The conservatives canā€™t fucking go for a walk these days without saying ā€œObama!ā€ and he hasnā€™t even been president for years. You cant talk about Iran today without talking about Obama drinking a glass of water in Flint Michigan 5+ years ago. The words ā€œrent freeā€ were invented for him.

So youā€™re now admitting you were talking bullshit :smile:

He actually did drink it

Presumably he poisoned himself doing so


Thatā€™s not what lefty liberal Michael Moore or the people of Flint thought

Are you trying to suggest the water in Flint was fine?

Being black is WUM enough in and of itself for some lads here

No mate, just when someone is extolling the virtues of Obama its important to remember that he was also a cunt

@the_man_himself will be telling us that Messi is a bottler next

You are unable to accept any criticism of your heroes. Everything has to be black and white, Trump is a cunt so Obama must be the greatest person of all time

But Obama!

He drank some water in 2016!

Everybody knows Trump is a cunt mate

Read up the page a bit mate

I heavily criticised Obama about 10 or 15 posts up here

So that makes absolute shit of what you just wrote

Ironically, youā€™re now trading in the exact same sort of child-like black and white narrative peddled by all right wing nut jobs on here

But Obama!

He ran a paedophile ring from a pizza parlour!

And Michael Moore said so!

Or was it Mary Tyler Moore

Or something

No mate your response to any criticism of Obama is ā€œBut Trumpā€

Trump is a cunt. Everybody knows this

No, an example above would be where I systematically destroyed your argument and made a fool of you because you were talking utter shit

In fairness itā€™s hard to think of any president of the USA who wasnā€™t a cunt in some way or another. Trump puts them all in the haā€™penny place though.

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