Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

He’ll probably do nothing, just to shock them

Trump will probably try to claim Eoin MacNeill sent it

Ah I dunno. That profile pick was heavily filtered, I think she may be catfishing @anon98850436

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You were telling us all along the Iranians would do nothing

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Shur twas only a few scuds

10 a penny in Iran - dead serious. They all look like Yasmin le Bon

You sound like the fella out of love actually

Billy Bob?

Eh, sure

She mightn’t make the cut in the RTE newsroom

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Here you go



The Worlds about to end. Say whatever you feel

That’s the Syrian wan, but not bad either

I’ll wait for the casualty report. It’s easy fire missiles.

No cyber attacks. Just good old fashioned blunt force cruise missiles.

This what makes tfk great for me.

“We saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire”

This story just popped onto my Twitter timeline

Murrrrrrica be crayzeeeee

Major fuck up here from @Sidney 's pals

But but but Trump something something

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