Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Humans of the Pesh

The Pesh Mode.


The Yanks want ISIS to succeed in Syria in the short the term and to fail in Iraq. Their policy is a mass of contradictions but the Sheikhs being spooked enough to continue spending billions on weaponry is a comforting side effect.

Aside from the transfer of enormous sums of money from the public to the private sector, US military action in the middle east over 35 years has yielded nothing in the way of meaningful progress. But unfortunately it doesn’t seem like they can conceive of any policy beyond dropping bombs or selling them.


There a documentary on Kallid Kelly tonight. Should be worth a watch.

Who are the “good guys”, again?

There are no good guys mate that’s long established

But who are the good bad guys?

The “moderate” anti Assad’s apparently

Security analyst Dr Tom Clonan wheeled out for yet another pointless remark.

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What are his qualifications

Four years on the door in Legs and 5 years watching for shoplifters inside in Dunnes

Listening to the Russian ambassador on Newstalk this morning and he was saying that all the independent agencies and observers are lying about what the government troops are doing in Aleppo and that any crimes being committed are being done by terrorists.

Reading the articles about Aleppo, the place sounds like hell for the civilians trying to get out or stay safe, seems they are being gunned down by either side.

Without knowing too much about the ins and outs of it, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which is routinely quoted as an independent source on RTE is a one man operation run from a house in Coventry and is by reputation anti government and pro opposition.

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It doesn’t really matter where he’s based if he has reliable sources. Being anti-government isn’t much of a criticism either given the scale of the atrocities being carried about by the Assad regime.

Interesting contrast in the media attention being given to the civilians here and the attention paid by the media to Palestinian civilians that were massacred in Jenin (2002) or Gaza (2009). Worthy and unworthy victims indeed.

The current situation in Yemen is broadly being ignored by international media. You don’t have to go back that far.


Similar situation. Atrocities committed by Western allies aren’t newsworthy.


I was just going to say it, but then again the war in Yemen is being fought by our good friends the Saudis. Quick look over there at those filthy Russians while we sell some arms to the Saudis so they can give them to ISIS.


This is it exactly.
You’d despair.

  1. Who knows if his sources are reliable.
  2. The opposition are no angels either.