Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

The opposition are the Americans ? They are the devil.

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  2. Agreed

Its disgusting really. The control they have of the media is, disgusting. Paris bombings for example was big news, massacres of children though, in Foreign lands , where they have no business except robbing,is barely reported (except of coarse if its in their interests) The crimes being committed is being hidden from from the masses and these are in the ‘laws’ of the UN war crimes. UN are cowards.

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A war situation is never going to adhere to the laws of war mate, I’m not being smart saying that

I am glad that the western trained/armed rebels have been beaten by Assad and Russia et al

We’ve seen whats happened in Iraq, Libya etc to know that letting lunatic fanatics Sunni’s run the show is far worse long term.

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Its a rotten game pal, winning doesn’t come into it

Lesser of two evils does though pal.

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Again, its disgusting. Cold war has been escalated

Be worse if the hawk had been elected pal imo.

Not so Imo. A couple of hawks In power with a lad who will go with the flow foreign policy wise. We will see how it develops. We knew Clintons thinking but we actually don’t know about trump, yet. Business controls anyway and remember its a a 2 party shitstem, in the the most dangerous and powerful country on our globe

In a shocking turn of events the British government is implicated in war crimes

This is astonishing

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An abbreviated version with the highlights

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Evacuation buses burned by the moderate opposition in Syria

Putin is the only world leader who has the balls to take that scum on.

Burning evacuating civilian buses is low, even for those cunts

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The US backed moderate opposition.


How do we verify that what Eva Bartlett is saying is true?

How does she reason for her assertion that what has been going on since 2011 is not a civil war?

How do we verify who set fire to those buses?

How do we verify whether the supposed recycled reports of the same child are recycled or not?

How do we verify what anybody says is true?

Being on the ground doesn’t mean you know the real views of “the Syrian people” (who don’t speak with one voice).

Does consistently referring to the victory for Assad and Russian forces as “liberation” not hopelessly compromise any impartiality on her part?

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The videos of bearded, armed men in rebel held territory burning the buses would seem a decent indication that they’re the ones who burned them. Especially when the group seems to be one of those that strongly opposed the evacuation plan.

OK, western media have reported that it was Islamists who burned those buses.

But how do we verify or assert any of the other stuff I asked?

I didn’t find yer man’s commentary on the abbreviated version of that video to be helpful at all.

Do us a favour, go out there, find out and report back to us.


That’s a nasty post, mate.

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