Ireland in the EU

Sorry mate, watching Mayo put me in a bad mood for a few minutes.

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Every liberal leaning cunt hook on here like @glasagusban and @gilgamboa love to hold up Scandinavian countries as some kind of shining light to the world on education, health and their socioeconomic policies. Yet Norway has never joined the EU and Sweden and Denmark kept their currency… Why??


The EU has given us

Health and safety legislation
Enhanced workers rights and protections
Environmental laws
Best in class data protection laws
Competition laws
Best in class consumer rights
Financial services across all Europe
The right to work travel live and study in 25 countries
A stable war free Europe
Access to markets and capital for our businesses
The highest goods and food standards in the world
Regional grant development
A multi cultural diverse Ireland full of immigrants and nationalities and language
The highest living standards in history

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Are you suggesting we go back to the punt. All national pride in the beauty on how they were minted it was a mickey mouse currency that struggled to keep its value. If we had touring the crash we would have had hyperinflation to bail ourselves out.

I would agree with you somewhat on the euro, it has been a disaster for southern European countries. Not so much for Ireland as being in the EU and Euro makes Ireland attractive to US multinationals, which if we are being honest is one of the primary reasons Ireland’s economy has done so well.

The real risk to Ireland is if leftist nutters even gain power and turn Ireland in an anti business anti capitalist anti US direction, and then it will quickly go down the route of Venezuela and Cuba before it. Everyone living in poverty but free healthcare for all.

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We hired it to the UK wagon for too long… When we took proper control of it in the 90s we saw our greatest rise in economic growth.

On the back of the knowledge that the euro was coming as announced in 90/91 iirc. Backing on sterling again will be incredibly risky. The deutchmark was alway a more solid currency and the euro will be stronger than the pound. Imagine if idaho decide to drop the dollar and go it alone. Its madness.

All I wanted to know was why we can’t grow our own spuds

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We’re not in the same position as Idaho tho… The fact you compared us to a US state perfectly shows where we are as a country… Eroded.

:exploding_head: Shocking

For every euro we’ve gotten from the EU, we’ve given up three in fishing. Probably more now with Brexit… But it’s ok, we got roads and we’re ‘multicultural’…

Meanwhile the tans are motoring on with their vaccinations and we’ve to sit there with the paw out waiting for the EU to approve vaccines and throw us a few thousand sporadically.

Conscription a few years away I’d say

Mentally stable and able bodied only. We’re safe.


This is a pretty good piece I think.

Phil Hogan been hounded out his gig, has come home to roost now

Poor Paddy is allowed only be in charge of paper clips and staplers in the EU now

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Nigel Farage should be running the country

NATO is fucked

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Would ya copy and paste it for us so?