Ireland politics (Part 2)

Iā€™m extremely worried to be honestā€¦ You can see whatā€™s coming.

The sad thing is the ideology does little to help genuine sufferers of gender dysphoria.

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That seems mad. In relation to transgenderism? Do they think trans people are the new Catholic church or something?

You literally havenā€™t a clue what youre talking about.

I literally donā€™t. Iā€™ve no idea why all the people with small children that @johnnysachs knows are terrified about whatā€™s happening in our society.

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Thereā€™s loads and loads of information out there for you to read on it. Do it quickly before it becomes an offence.

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It also creates new aggravated forms of certain existing criminal offences, where those offences are motivated by hatred of a protected characteristic.

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I believe TRANSubstantiation is in Catholic church doctrine alright pal. I dont believe the host had to be pumped full of puberty blockers before being disseminated to the masses though.

Loads and load of information on the people that johnnysachs knows with small kids?

What is it that all these people are scared about that youā€™re on about?

Iā€™m sure that was amusing as it ran through your head.

You seem to be having difficulty following the discussion.

I think thatā€™s you pal. I insisted you hadnā€™t a clue what youā€™re talking about and we worked from thereā€¦ Do keep up.

Sex change isnā€™t gender ideology. Back then it would have been gender identity disorder in DSM Iā€™ve.

If one can change gender on a whim then why not race or species?


Why is that relevant?

It is not uncommon for people to talk about their kids with friends, family, work colleagues despite your sneery tone here. Do you have kids yourself?

As I posted on here before there are even work based employee resource groups for carers and/or parents. There is a group of 15 parents (mostly female) in my work place. A wide range of topics are discussed from child development, to getting their children to eat vegetables, schooling etc. There are some louder voises than others who donā€™t want gender ideology foisted on their kids. Others will be a bit quieter but just nod along. By and large Iā€™d say nearly all of them would be of same mindset. Confusion and social contagion would probably be 2 of main concerns. Its only 1 of a 100 different things that are discussed but its safe to say that no rightminded parent wants this.

Yes I understood that you talked to people. I donā€™t understand (firstly) what it is they think is happening in Irish society, (secondly) why it terrifies them or (thirdly) why it particularly relates to people with small children. Thatā€™s what I was asking you about.

Science. Innit.

Gender is protected. Yet you can change gender on how you feelā€¦ but what ever you decide will be protected whether it be male, female or another gender :smile:

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As it particularly pertains to people with small children. Small children are more impressionable and pliable for want of a better word than say adolescents or older college going offspring. Those parents of older kids probably dont have as heightened a sense of anxiety about transgenderism. It is other issues like tik tok, drugs, pornography and whatever new fad is around like vaping etc. Just on pornograpy there seems to be higher incidences of transgenderism linked to young girls with pornography and certain sterotypes depicted on it. Could that dissipate as they grow older? Probably. To administer any irreversible ā€œgender careā€ before age of 18 seems crazy to me.

Iā€™m sure boys played with Barbie dolls or put on a dress when I was growing up. There wasnt a rush to judgement or a label put on them. More a lets see what happens organically approach. It doesnt seem to be the case today. We have seen already 100s of Irish kids referred to Tavistock clinic in UK. That would have never happened before.

So to summarise answers to your 3 questions

  1. What was once a taboo subject in Irish society is now mainstream and part of school curriculums.

  2. Why it terrifies them is they are afraid their kids will be pigeon holed or confused into thinking this applies to them when it might not.

  3. The smaller the child the more protection is needed for children and the more vulnerable they are, so maybe its a heightened sense of anxiety than would be the case with older kids.

Iā€™m not sure i follow you. Exactly how will the children be influenced or affected by transgenderism? If they learn about it in school theyll want to be trans? Or just general ā€˜pro-transā€™ stuff on social media will make them weird?