Ireland politics (Part 2)

Yes I understood that you talked to people. I don’t understand (firstly) what it is they think is happening in Irish society, (secondly) why it terrifies them or (thirdly) why it particularly relates to people with small children. That’s what I was asking you about.

Science. Innit.

Gender is protected. Yet you can change gender on how you feel… but what ever you decide will be protected whether it be male, female or another gender :smile:

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As it particularly pertains to people with small children. Small children are more impressionable and pliable for want of a better word than say adolescents or older college going offspring. Those parents of older kids probably dont have as heightened a sense of anxiety about transgenderism. It is other issues like tik tok, drugs, pornography and whatever new fad is around like vaping etc. Just on pornograpy there seems to be higher incidences of transgenderism linked to young girls with pornography and certain sterotypes depicted on it. Could that dissipate as they grow older? Probably. To administer any irreversible “gender care” before age of 18 seems crazy to me.

I’m sure boys played with Barbie dolls or put on a dress when I was growing up. There wasnt a rush to judgement or a label put on them. More a lets see what happens organically approach. It doesnt seem to be the case today. We have seen already 100s of Irish kids referred to Tavistock clinic in UK. That would have never happened before.

So to summarise answers to your 3 questions

  1. What was once a taboo subject in Irish society is now mainstream and part of school curriculums.

  2. Why it terrifies them is they are afraid their kids will be pigeon holed or confused into thinking this applies to them when it might not.

  3. The smaller the child the more protection is needed for children and the more vulnerable they are, so maybe its a heightened sense of anxiety than would be the case with older kids.

I’m not sure i follow you. Exactly how will the children be influenced or affected by transgenderism? If they learn about it in school theyll want to be trans? Or just general ‘pro-trans’ stuff on social media will make them weird?

If they aren’t vigilant their children will be shipped off to Tavistock without a by your leave.


But first off it’s not transgenderism - it’s gender ideology.

The more gender ideology is pushed and the extent to which it is pushed has an extremely adverse affect on young kids, particularly young girls… Traditionally trans identity predominantly affected boys, very few girls… But now schools in US/Canada/UK are seeing an extremely huge spike in teen girls with no history of dysphoria claiming they are trans. It’s a kid if social contagion but it’s linked to the ideology being pushed online and normalised in schools and society at large.

It has very little to do with the tiny percentage of people who suffer from gender dysphoria.

This is how it has gone in other countries, why not here?

Correct. The wokies won’t be happy til they’ve dragged your children off Tavistock to have a langer or a pair of diddies stitched onto them and once this new hate crime legislation comes through there won’t be a single thing we can do about it. Fact.

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The whole trans/gender argument is only a distraction for what they are trying to pish through here. Let the people argue about the in vouge topic which is trans hate while we give an arbitrary legislation that allows any speech that is awkward for those in power to be shut down if applicable. If putin pushed something like this those supporting this would be up in arms.

On the whole trans thing, leave them off do what they want to do and live how they want, if happy if they are happy. Consenting adults should be able to love however they want without prejudice but no child should be able to make decision on permanent bodily effects. Children should be educated at an appropriate age about lgbt issues and that its acceptable to live that way if they are gay trans etc, as children who are, at that age are often struggling big time due to this.

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Not if me and @johnnysachs have anything to do with it

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What effect does it have on your day to day life mate?

No it doesn’t

It clearly does, whats not currently cover in legislation that requires this new bill?

Would you trust a right wing party putting through this legislation?

Nope i wouldnt trust anyone putting thorugh this. As i said if it wasnt the new ‘left’ putting through it would be no different to what classic right wing politicians would push through.

Here you go, Fagan and I have kindly spelled it out for you already.

Hows it differnt to harrassment or offenses against a person? Essentially this is leading to ypu can simply accuse someone of a crime with no evidence and a court can order to search you and your personal records. Instead of evidence being provided the accused has to prove they are not guilty. This is way too intrusive.

I honestly don’t understand where you’re getting that, but no, it’s not nothing like that at all.